The morning after

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                    ~Chapter 57~
The morning after

Chases POV:
The next morning when the party was over, I had to start cleaning up.
I cleaned my room first which wasn't that hard to clean since nobody was in it except... yeah.

Then I walked into the guest room

This probably gonna take awhile since a lot of People were in this room at the beginning of the night.

Makes me question why I even had this party, the cleaning isn't even worth it

I walked into the-

Charli?! Oh my gosh- what happened to her?!

Why is she bleeding on the ground??

I quickly ran up to her and leaned down to her.
I slowly picked her up and placed her on the bed

I thought she left? Why is she here?

I looked at her face and there was dried blood coming from both of her nostrils and red bruises on the sides of her face.
Her lip was slit and dried blood was coming out of it.

I really hope she is okay? She isn't looking so well? Who would do this to her??

I feel so bad, this is my party? I should have been in control of what happened??

I grabbed a tissue and cleaned the blood under her nose, I then cleaned the blood on her lips.

I grabbed a blanket and placed it over her, I took a pillow and put her head on it

I held her hand and sat on the bed

Who would even do this? I feel terrible.

Chase: "I can't believe this is happening to you again, you're hurt again and it's my fault"

I should have escorted her out especially since I am the one who slept with her. I should have been nice about it, it was awkward enough. I should have been with her. there's was a lot of people at the party, I didn't really know any of them.

Chase: "I don't know if I should go to the hospital or if I should stay here but don't worry, once I find out who did this to you I will send them to jail"

Who would even think about hurting her? Look at her? How could anyone ever even lay a hand on her.
Nobody deserves this, I will find the person who did this and I will send them straight to jail.

Chase: "I know you probably can't hear me right now but I'm here for you Charli, no matter what. I hope you know that"

I held her hand tighter

Chase: "and I really hope you wake up soon because I'm getting worried and Il probably end up bringing you to the hospital if you don't wake up"

I put my hand on her cheek

Chase: "why do bad things always happened to you?"

I wish these things would have happened to me instead of her, ever since she met me a lot of bad things have happened. So it is best we go out separate ways after this.

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