Youre a horrible person

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                   ~Chapter 144~
              You're a horrible person

Charlis POV:
He slapped me- he hit me- for what?? What did I even do?! I saved his marriage?! I did this for him?? I told him the truth about me and what I was feeling and this is how he reacts?? Is it seriously ever that hard to keep your hands off of me?! Am I that bad that every guy I'm with can't stop hurting me? And I thought Mason was good.

He looked into my eyes and realized what he had done

Mason: "oh my god- Charli I am so sorry- I'm so sorry-"
Charli: "we're done. I don't wanna see you ever again."

I don't wanna be with someone like him.

I'm gonna pretend like that didn't hurt and I'm gonna pretend like my face isn't burning this very second.

He grabbed my wrist

Charli: "don't touch me alright?! You wanted to hear the truth and I gave it to you! That's right! I love chase and not you?!"

I pulled my arm out of his grip

Charli: "now get out of my house now!"
Mason: "charli I'm so sorry- but Is this really that big of a deal?"


Charli: "it's not the slap that hurt me it's you. Okay you hit me once but what does that say about you?? You're a horrible person."

I knew I couldn't trust him, he picked me over chase. His family, who needed him.

Mason: "charli please I'm sorry."
Charli: "no you aren't."

Claire walked over

Claire: "what's going on?"
Charli: "you wanna know what's going on?? Your husband has been having an affair this entire time! With me! And he is abusive too now."

She looked shocked

Claire: "is that true Mason??"
Mason: "Charli is being delusional."

I really thought better of him. How could I be so blind to who he really is?
Why have I only seen it now?

He lied to me about having a wife, he took his best friends girlfriend, he'd rather lose chase then not have me, he cheated on his wife and now he slaps me. He's a horrible person

He never really saw me... he doesn't even know me? He doesn't know me like chase does? Chase sees me, the real me.

I pushed Mason and his wife out of my house

Charli: "I never wanna see you again!!"
Mason: "CHARLI?! Please think about this!"

No. No. I will not think about anything.

I slammed the door and ran over to the bathroom mirror

I looked at the side of my face and saw. Huge red mark- that doesn't look so good.

Lydia walked into the room

Lydia: "mom... are you okay?"

I nodded

Charli: "I'm fine"

Who am I kidding.

I broke down to the floor and started crying

Charli: "I'm not okay Lydia! I'm not! I have nothing. I lost everything I ever cared about"

I put my face in my knees and she pated my hair

Lydia: "Mason?"

How does she even know I was dating Mason-

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