What did you do?

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                    ~Chapter 154~
                  What did you do?

Charlis POV:
I feel like I should call chase- I left in such a hurry, it was kinda rude. I sorta just ditched him because I was embarrassed. Maybe I should tell him about my dream-

No. I can't? That would be too embarrassing.

But I don't wanna lie?

It's not lying if i don't tell him?

But I shouldnt hide things from my friends? I trust him?

Maybe I should call him.

Maybe I'm over thinking now?
No Il call him.
I need to thank him for today anyways.

I picked up my phone and dialled his number

Nobody answered.

I called again and still no answer

Ok maybe he just doesn't wanna talk to me?
What if he's mad I ditched him for Fernando? I should go to his house to apologize? Yeah? I should.
He's been so nice to be today... especially after what I did to him before.
A year ago.

He forgot about it so easily and im obviously so happy about that because I really needed him now, I'm glad I came back. It's been nice... re aquatinting with chase. I missed him more than i thought I did

I should go.

It's very late but you know, I'm going.

I stood up

Fernando: "where are you going?"

I can't lie. I was just forgiven

Charli: "uhm- I'm having girl problems right now-"

Why did I lie??

Charli: "just going to a friends"

Technically that part is not a lie

Fernando: "oh. Okay."

I sinned for no reason at all??

Charli: "ok got to go"

I quickly ran out of the door and got into my car

Once I got in the car I started driving

A arrived at his apartment a few minutes later and I got out to my car.
I walked up to his front door and knocked on the door.

Nobody answered-

Maybe he's just asleep?

I knocked again

Unless he really that mad at me? I didn't think it was that big of a deal

I knocked again and the door opened

Will: "what??- oh Charli- uhm im sorry-"

What the- that was kinda rude?

Charli: "hey will, is chase here?"

He shook his head quickly

Will: "nope not here. Actually I was sorta busy, do you mind coming back later?"

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