What happened to mason?

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~Chapter 155~
           What happened to Mason?

Chases POV:
I cannot believe that just happened.
I am still in shock? How could he do that to me? I really thought he was better. I thought I'd finally date someone normal. But nope. I should have listened to the red flags. I should have dropped him.

If he did this to be who else could- Charli? He did it to Charli? He was the one at blaires wedding?! I should have known?!

God this is all my fault??

None of this would have happened if I haven't brought will into my life??
I always attract the wrong people and now not only am I suffering the consequences but so is Charli.

This is all my fault.

Chase: "I think he was the one-"
Charli: "at blaires wedding... yeah I know..."

What? Then why didn't she say anything?

Charli: "when he said he spiked your drink I assumed"
Chase: "why didn't you say anything?"
Charli: "because this isn't about me. It's about you."

It's about him. He did this. He deserves to suffer in jail for the rest of his life.
What a monster.

Chase: "you were hurt too"

I put my hand on hers
She looked down at her hand and slowly moved it away

Chase: "why did you come here anyway?"
Charli: "Uhm. It's not important."


Chase: "no tell me?"
Charli: "no I just wanted to say thanks. For you know. Everything."

I didn't do anything for her?

Chase: "I didn't do anything for you?"
Charli: "you did. I know I hurt you last year... you somehow found it in your heart to let me sorta back into your life for a few days"

No. I did not forgive her. I'll never ever forgive her for the things she's done to me. She doesn't know how it felt.

Charli: "um I think I'm gonna go now. Are you gonna be okay?"

I nodded

Chase: "yeah. Il see you soon"
Charli: "yup"

Charlis POV:
Yeah yeah, I didn't tell him, it's only because of the moment. It was a bad time. It made no sense to say it then, Il say it eventually. I will tell him.

I quickly walked out of his room and walked out of the house.
I walked down to my car and got inside.

Oh- I forgot about Fernando- he's probably been waiting for me all night-
That's rude of me-

I started driving back to My house

I arrived back at my house and walked up to the door. I opened it and I saw Fernando sitting there

Fernando: "you could have texted me? I was worried?"

First of all- he was in jail for 2 years- he doesn't have a phone and I don't have his number- and second of all, we aren't dating?  Why does he care so much about me?

Charli: "Fernando... do you have a house?"

He nodded

Charli: "I think you should go to it..."

He looked confused

Fernando: "what why?"
Charli: "I don't think it's great for us to be spending so much time together when we aren't in a relationship..."

He looked confused

Fernando: "aren't in a relationship? What do you mean?"

Does he think-

Charli: "Fernando we aren't dating? You know that right"
Fernando: "what?? I thought when you asked me to stay that sorta confirmed we were back together"

What the- he has been in jail a long time, I guess he forgot how relationships work

Charli: "no we aren't back together, I'm sorry"

I don't think it will be great for me to date again. All my choices have been terrible so far, Dan, Justin, Mason-

Whatever happened to Mason? I wonder.

1 year ago

Chases POV:
I heard a knock on the door and I walked over to get it. I swear, it better not be Charli coming to apologize

I opened the door- Mason-

The audacity he has to come here?!

Mason: "hey chase I was wondering if i could stay here for a while?"

What- he is actually Joking right-
He thinks I'd let him in my house after what he did to me?!

Chase: "no you can not stay with me?! You ruined everything! Get out!"
Mason: "look... Claire and Charli kicked me out. I need somewhere to stay or Il be homeless"

I rolled my eyes

Chase: "good. Sleep on the streets, I hope you get run over by a car."

I closed the door but he knocked again and again and again
I opened it

Chase: "what?!"
Mason: "at least help me get Charli back."

What the fuck-
He thinks- that I'm gonna help him? Get my ex-girlfriend back?! Idiot.

Mason: "she told me she's in love with you... and she only loved me in a friendly way"


Chase: "good"
Mason: "so then I did the appropriate thing, and I slapped her. She overreacted and kicked me out"
Chase: "you what?!"

He slapped her?! Why?! how could he do that to her?? yeah maybe shes a bad person but she doesn't deserve that?? no matter what shes done

Chase: "and I thought I couldn't possibly hate you any more than I already do."
Mason: "what?! I thought you'd agree with me on this one?! You hate her? So why do you care if I slap her?"

Are you kidding me?! Just because I hate someone doesn't mean they deserve to get slapped

Chase: "alright Mason. Listen up, you better leave town and never come back before I call the police on you right now for hurting a girl"
Mason: "c'mon chase I thought you had my back on this one?"

Had his back?! He really is crazy??

Chase: "GET OUT!"

He signed and walked away. He walked over to the stairs to get down from the apartment

And I couldn't help but to think what would happen if I pushed him down-

What am I thinking?!

I'm not Charli?? I'm not a murderer?!

But would he really die from that?

Yes?! Probably.

His words repeated in my head
"so then I did the appropriate thing, and I slapped her"

Il take my chances.

I ran behind him and pushed him down
Causing him to trip down the stairs and hit his head on the concrete at the bottom

Oop- chase turning into Charli?
Is mason dead 😆

does Mason deserve it? 🤷‍♀️


Word count - 1069

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