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                       ~Chapter 63~

Charlis POV:
I do love him? it all makes sense now? For a long time I didn't exactly know what love was. The past 7 years I've been running around with guys I don't love. None of them made me happy, none of them made me comfortable and I'd always just assume that's what a relationship was.

I had forgotten Chase, I forgot how happy he made me, how he always made me feel like I was the most important person in the world, he made me feel worthy and when I was around him I would always get soft.

That's real love. Not Alexander, not any of my previous spouses. Him.

Maybe I didn't know it but the second we became friends again when he showed up at my work I knew I loved him maybe I wasn't in love with him yet but I loved him

I just wish I had figured it out sooner

Chase: "Love..."
Charli: "yeah...?"

He is probably gonna start talking about how he cheated on blaire again.
I swear it always ruins the moment

Chase: "wanna get married?"


Charli: "what are you doing now chase"

I laughed

Chase: "remember when I proposed to you 10 years ago and you said no?"
Charli: "yes?"
Chase: "I remember you telling me to ask again in 10 years and that's what I'm doing"

And he says I'm crazy.

Charli: "We are not getting married"

I just got out of a marriage, there ain't no way I'm getting married again for at least another 10 years

I'm pretty sure he has definitely gone out of his mind. He always does this too. I think sometimes he just forgets that we have a lot going on outside of this.

For example, he's married, blaire is pregnant, and like he said, I'm a major suspect for a murder. It will not look good if I have a new husband

Chase: "fine, but at least be my girlfriend"

He needs to take a second and think about this, I want this obviously but I don't think he does

Charli: "you're with Blaire. Remember her?"

He raised his eye brows

Chase: "right... Blaire..."

And this is the part where he picks her over me... again

Chase: "I'm gonna divorce her"

Wait what?!

Chase: "as much as I appreciate blaire, I can't control my feelings for you. It isn't fair to her."

A smile grew on my face

Charli: "so what does this mean?"
Chase: "it means basically nothing is stopping us from being together"

Is this actually happening?? Everything's is perfect?? For once in my entire life something Is going right?! 
I have Chase, I'm rich, Alexander is gone?!

My life is perfect?!

He came closer to me and cupped my face. He kissed me Quickly then pulled away

Chase: "I love you more than life itself Charli Damelio, and I promise on my life Il never hurt you again"
He held out his pinky

Charli: "pinky promise? Really?"
Chase: "do it"

I held out my pinky

Charli: "I, Charli damelio promise I will not kill you"
Chase: "uh-"

I smiled

Chase: "thanks?"
Charli: "I'm going to bed, Im so tired"
Chase: "ok"

So now this is the confusing part, are we dating? Are we not? Very confusing

I laid down and closed my eyes

Chase: "goodnight love"
Charli: "goodnight"

I fell asleep

I woke up to a loud knock on the window- ugh

I looked beside me and chase was sleeping

The door opened-

Patrica: "what do you think you guys are doing?!"

He quickly took his hands off of me

What is she doing here?! I swear- she's the most annoying. She keeps blaming me for killing Him. I don't even know why she cares, she's his ex for a reason right?? She should be thanking me.

Charli: "we were trapped in here?! All night!"
Patrica: "just get out"

We got up and we got out of the car

Why is Blaire here-

Blaire: "Cole?! I've been worried all night?!"

How did she know he was gonna be here.

Chase: "I'm sorry Blaire"
Blaire: "you better have an explanation"
Chase: "we were trapped in the car?!"

She rolled her eyes-

We walked inside the house-

Why are they coming in?? I don't remember inviting them in

Chases POV:
I know what this looks like, it looks like I only kissed Charli because of the investigation thing to get closer to her...

And that's sorta true...

But it's also not true, I love her of course and I wanna be with her so I am gonna divorce blaire but If I'm being honest I would have never even thought about kissing her if I hadn't done this investigation job.

I've been thinking about divorcing Blaire for awhile. She deserves better than me.
She deserves someone who loves her, someone who is completely focused on her and only her.

And that person isn't me

Anyways I have to get closer to Charli because I gotta figure out why she really killed Alexander, I know she said self defence but that doesn't really make sense? She been beat up by him before? Why kill him now? I need to know if she killed him for self defence... or if she did it just for money...

I really just gotta figure out if she's a good person... or a murderer...

I looked over at Charli and went up to her

Chase: "I'm gonna do it now, I'm gonna divorce blaire"

She smiled

Chase: "don't smile! This isn't funny"
Charli: "okay"

It's actually really sad, I've been with Blaire for a long time

I walked up to Blaire

Chase: "Blaire can we talk"
Blaire: "bout what?"

Well- here goes nothing-

I sighed

Chase: "I've been thinking a lot... and I think the best choice for us is to-"
Blaire: "OW"

She held her stomach

Um- what is going on?

Chase: "are you okay?"

This chapter is literally all over the place LMAO, but your welcome they are together again... Kinda.

Anyways, next chapter should be interesting

Word count - 1030

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