He isn't cheating on me

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                     ~Chapter 176~
             He isn't cheating on me

Charlis POV:
I can't believe I'm doing this.
This is probably gonna be a mistake but it's fine. Im bored and have nothing to do so I'm inviting him in. And no I will not cheat on Chase, I'm not stupid. I've learned my lesson, even if Chase has been weirdly distant this weekend I still love him and I'd never do anything like that now.

His face lit up

Fernando: "really??"
Charli: "under one circumstance."

He nodded

Fernando: "what ever you want."
Charli: "no touching me, no flirting with me, don't try to feel me up, don't look at me, don't talk about how you love me or whatever, don't talk about me, don't talk about my life-"
Fernando: "I thought you said 1-"

Excuse me? Does he wanna come in or not?

Charli: "say that again and il change my mind"
I smiled

Fernando: "im sorry. I apologize. I shouldn't have said that."
Charli: "okay? So you got the rules?"

He nodded quickly


Charli: "ok so you can come in now."

He walked inside and sat down on the couch

Fernando: "so what's been up with you since you've been back"

Good and bad

Charli: "started drinking again, then chase came along, we got back together, he has some secret and now he's gone somewhere"
Fernando: "what?"


Charli: "I don't even know what to think at this point?? Do you think it's normal for him to keep secrets from me??"
Fernando: "it-"
Charli: "I just don't get it?? Of course it is to have secrets and I'd be fine with it if it didn't affect me but it does affect me??"

I know it shouldn't bother me much but it does.

Fernando: "how-"
Charli: "it's just! I miss waking up with him. Like in high school, every morning I'd like waking up because he was there.  But now, I wake up to nothing and I get text messages saying he'll be late or he won't be here? I know it's selfish of me to think he's always gonna prioritize me first but I'm just wondering what else could be so important??"

Why am I ranting to him- to him of all people?

Fernando: "i-"
Charli: "what in the world could possibly be so important that he is basically living a double life??"

I do trust him I just wanna know!

Fernando: "im sorry to tell you this Charli... but it sounds like he is cheating on you"

I didn't ask for his opinion?!

Charli: "when did I as- it really does though right??? I trust him of course and I know he'd never do that but what else could it be??"

He said nothing

Charli: "stop thinking that! He isn't cheating on me!"
Fernando: "your words not mine"

I know for a fact that he would never do that, I know how much he loves me and I know he wouldn't sacrifice that for anyone or anything.
Plus, I don't think he'd make it so obvious.

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