Bad parents

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~Chapter 116~
                     Bad parents

Chases POV:
This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. It's not too late to just stop kissing her. Just remember all the terrible things she did to you. She hide our child from me. She gave her a horrible life. She told her I abandoned her.

This isn't working. I know this is a bad idea. But i don't wanna stop? Why??

Because her Beauty is distracting me.

I don't want to have sex with her right now?! But I do. I just wanna forget about everything-

No. I don't?! I don't wanna forget? She hurt me-

But that was in the pass? She's sorry-

No?! She's not sorry?! If she were sorry she'd help me get custody-

But what if she can't help?? What if I can't get her back?

she can at least try?!

This is pathetic, why are we having an intense make out session in the kitchen when our daughter is 2 feet away?!

Well I don't wanna stop now?

She put her arms around my neck and I wrapped her legs around my waist, I flipped us around so she was pressed up against the wall. She stuck her tongue in my mouth-

We then heard something cough-
I turned around quickly

Lydia: "your dinners getting cold..."

I quickly put Charli down

Chase: "uhm- I- Charli and I were just-"
Lydia: "I know. I'm 8 I'm not stupid"

I laughed awkwardly

Who taught her about that-

This is really awkward- but I'm glad it happened. Who knows how far I would have went before realizing this was a mistake

Lydia: "you coming?"

We nodded

Lydia: "Got a little something on your neck"

She walked away-

I quickly looked in the mirror and it was a hickey-
I blushed in embarrassment

Chase: "why does she know so much about this sorta stuff..."
Charli: "who knows"

We walked back out and over to the table.
We both sat down

Charli: "sorry about that. I was just-um-"
Miss damelio: "shut it Charli we know you were using sex appeal to try and get chase to forgive you."

I should have known.

Charli: "I was not!"
Miss Damelio: "it's what you do every time. We know you. We know you don't talk about your feelings and you try to get away with skipping the talking and going straight to making up. or in this case, making out."

She does do that doesn't she...
It's not her fault though? It's just who she is. It takes a lot for her to talk about what she's feeling

Charli: "stop?! You don't know me?! I see you once a year?! Not even?! I don't like you?! In fact I hate you for everything you both have done to me?! The fact that im even letting you in my house right now is astonishing. Get out?! You guys aren't my parents?! You never have been?? Parents don't treat their kids like crap?! Parents don't physically and mentally abuse their kids their entire childhood?! Get out of my house?!"

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