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                   ~Chapter 61~

Charlis POV:
I am not crazy? Right? No. I'm not?! I thought he was fine with me killing him?? All the sudden he's not?? I find it so rude how he just comes in my house and tells me I'm crazy?!

Chase: "no- I'm sorry I didn't-"
Charli: "you're always sorry?! I don't know why you are judging me?! Have you been pushed around and abused your whole life?! No. You grew up in a great family?! Oh and that's right. YOU KILLED THEM. Am I calling you crazy? Am I calling you out of your mind?? NO. So save your apology and get out?!!"

Ok- I definitely went to far- I didn't mean to rant that much- but he deserves it

Chase: "you think I killed them on purpose?"

That's not the point

Charli: "no-"
Chase: "look Charli, I'm sorry about everything you've been through but we've both been through so much and I don't think it's fair that you're yelling at me for calling you crazy?? You killed someone Charli?? How am I supposed to stand here and pretend that's normal??"

I never said he had to pretend it was normal. I just want him to understand

Charli: "do you love me Chase?"
Chase: "what?"

He heard me

Charli: "answer the question"

He sighed

Chase: "I mean... yeah"

That's what I thought

Charli: "Than just trust me alright? I did it for a good reason."

He nodded and came closer to me

Chase: "I trust you. I'm sorry I'm just freaking out a little-"
Charli: "don't be sorry, I'm sorry for yelling. I was just mad. I'm fine now."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder

Chase: "I love you char, even if it's just friends"

Wait what.

Charli: "wait you aren't in love with me?"
Chase: "are you in love with me?"

I don't know? How am I supposed to know? I can't answer that?

Charli: "I- I mean- it really- I don't know- you gotta think about- well-"
Chase: "yes or no it's not that hard"

It is hard

Charli: "i asked you first"
I smiled

He laughed

Chase: "Charli, we are friends. Nothing more,friends aren't in love. So why should I tell you"

I shrugged

Charli: "I guess you are right"

9 years ago

Chases POV:
Charli and I had broken up a few days ago. I haven't come to school in 3 days but my parents forced me to go today. I don't wanna see her right now. I do but I don't. I miss her a lot.

The past few days I've been thinking about every single thing I've done in our relationship. Where did I go wrong? What did I do? Why did she break up with me?

I love her? And I thought she loved me?

I guess it was stupid of me to think we'd last. We are just in high school right? High school relationships never last...

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