Ive changed

448 23 15

~Chapter 180~
I've changed

Charlis POV:
This is gonna look very bad.
No no no, it's not. If he trusts me he'd know that I did nothing wrong. I didn't cheat, I simply went out with my dog and bumped in to him.

But it really does look bad.
He is my ex. If it even counts from jail.

Which it doesn't.

He can't be mad? I would. But he can't. I didn't do anything. Even though I have made mistakes in the past, I've changed. I wouldn't cheat. I'd never cheat. Well I'd never cheat on Chase.

Fernando quickly left and I closed the door and sighed

Charli: "I know what it looks like"

He looked confused

Chase: "you're allowed to have friends Charli"
He laughed-


Charli: "Chase he's in love with me?"
Chase: "I know what it's like to be in love with you Charli. You don't budge unless you actually like him back. I trust you"

I almost forgot what it was like to be in a healthy relationship

Charli: "it's fine anyways, we aren't even friends. He just helped me take Bo on a walk to the vet and the pet store-"

Wait a minute-
I just remembered. He hasn't been to work in 2 weeks?!
Do I say anything?? Or do I just let him lie to me.
He better have a good explanation for thi-

His phone started ringing

I swear to god.
If that's them I'm leaving.

I watched chases face go from a smile to guilt

Charli: "just go. It's not like you care about my opinion anyways"

He looked at the ground

Chase: "Charli I'm sorry... but don't you think maybe we shouldn't even be spending this much time together anyway? We just started dating?"

Seriously?? If he doesn't want to spend time with me he should have just said so?! He's blaming this on me now? Wow.

Charli: "yesterday you literally said I was your family, and now you're saying we just started dating?? What is wrong with you?"

He shook his head

Chase: "no I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, I do wanna spend time with you and you are my family. I just-"

That sounds like a lie

Charli: "just go"

If he doesn't want to be here. He can leave. I never asked him to stay.

Chase: "i wish I could tell you what I'm doing... and I wish I could bring you along but I can't. And I'm sorry"

He walked to the door

Chase: "I love you Charli."

He left

How many times is this gonna happen... how many times am I gonna get my hopes up...

Bo stayed next to me

Charli: "at least I have you..."

I smiled

I put his dog boll down on the ground and grabbed his food, I filled it up with a load of food and I put some water in his water boll

He immediately started eating

It made me so happy to see him this happy, not even 24 hours ago he was homeless on the streets getting rocks thrown at his face

What time is it anyways

I looked at the clock


Wow. I was out a long time

A few hours later I get ready for bed

I got in on bed and tried to sleep
I heard a noise, a scratch at my door
I walked over and opened the door to see Bo carrying his bed in his mouth sitting down

I let him in the room and he got up on the bed and put his bed down

I smiled and pet him

Charli: "goodnight Bo"

I fell asleep

I woke up the next morning and immediately picked up my phone

What am I even expecting him to say? That he's on his way back? Even if he was he wouldn't stay long. He'd have to leave in like 20 minutes.

I got 1 message from him
I looked at it

"Hey Charli I hope you can forgive me for what I said. I didn't mean it in that way, I meant to say maybe we are moving too fast and we should slow it down for a bit. I just want this to work and I know from previous experiences that when we move too fast it doesn't end up well for either of us"

I guess he's right...
Every time we go this fast we just end up breaking up... taking it slow might be the best idea

"I know 2 weeks isn't a lot and yeah maybe we should take things slower but its not like we just met? I've known you forever and I want to spend every day with you"
I replied

I put my phone down and stood up

I walked downstairs and saw some breakfast on the table-
A lot of breakfast- wow.

I walked over

Oh my god.

Charli: "what are you doing in my house?!"

Are you kidding me

Fernando: "I made you breakfast"

I swear- how many times do I have to tell this guy to leave?!

Charli: "I'm getting a restraining order against yo- is that bacon?"

I walked over to the table filed with waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruits and more

I started eating it

Can't let good food go to waste

Bo walked over and I gave him some food

Fernando: "where is he today?"

Can he stop rubbing it in my face all the time?!

Charli: "I don't fucking know?! How many times are you gonna ask?! He's gone somewhere alright?! Stop bringing it up??"

I took a breath

Charli: "I'm sorry."
Fernando: "No im sorry, Il stop bringing it up."

I nodded

Fernando: "sorry for yesterday, did you get in trouble"
Charli: "nope, he trusts me"

Not that I want to be friends with Fernando.

Fernando: "he trusts you?"

I nodded and he sat down next to me

Fernando: "he trusts me?"


He moved his hand to my thigh

I'm getting déjà vu.

But will she make the right choice this time? Let's not forget what happened to the last guy who did that

R.I.P Mason 🕊🪦


Chapters left - 19
Word count - 1031

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