We arent dating

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~Chapter 88~
We aren't dating

Charlis POV:
What is he doing?! This could get him arrested?! He can't take the blame for this?! No??

First of all he wouldn't get 2 months he'd probably be in there for life since he's claiming to have no other motive than jealousy?! He thinks this is helping me?! No?!

He does know lying about commuting a crime is a felony right?! If he doesn't go to jail for admitting to it he will go to jail for lying.

Charli: "stop it?! You didn't do it?!"
Chase: "stop protecting me Charli"

Does he not understand me?! I don't want him to do this??

Charli: "Your honor! He's lying! He didn't do it!"
Judge: "Mr.Hudson, lying about committing a crime is illegal and we will arrest you if you continue to spread these false rumours"


Chase: "I'm not lying, Charli and I were having unfair and I was completely jealous of his money, his looks, his everything so I took him out of the picture"

Oh my gosh- he has gotta stop?!

Charli: "Chase listen to me"

He turned around and looked at me

Charli: "don't do this? I don't want you to do this? I can take being in jail for 2 months? Just stop please"

I know he's just trying to be nice but this is too far? Admitting to first degree murder because he doesn't want me to go to jail for a couple months? That is too far, I would rather go to jail for 2 months than feel guilty for the rest of my life

Chase: "charli-"
Charli: "please"

He looked at the ground

Charli: "your Honor Chase admits to not doing it, right?"

She looked at him and he slowly nodded

Chase: "I don't wanna not see you for 2 months?"
Charli: "talk to me in the visiting hours. We'll talk about... this"

I'm not gonna burden him and make him visit me every day for the next 2 months. We aren't even dating so I don't wanna make him do that every day when I have no idea where our relationship is even gonna go?

We've broken up a total of 3 times, I think it's safe to say we are better off as friends?

I know he wants more than that so I'm not gonna let him burden himself by visiting me.

What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start some random fight over nothing and that will probably stop him from wanting to visit me. Il say some things I don't mean and he will leave.

We won't see each other for 2 months and when I get out he will probably forget about me.

He will have moved on and that's what I want for him. I'm not gonna continue to rope him into my problems when all he needs right now is to stay away from me.

And who knows maybe this is even a good thing, there's no alcohol in jail so it will probably help my alcoholic issue.

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