Moving on

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~Chapter 191~
Moving on

Chases POV:
That's right. On my way here an attractive female asked me out. No where near as pretty as Charli but- not her point. Coincidence? Nope. It's fate. This was meant to happen. The universe wants me to move on. We are going on a date tonight.

I mean, yeah I'm being kinda selfish and I'm only using this girl to move on but I'm sure she will be fine with it. Who knows. She might be my new soulmate. Elenor is my future wife- or was it Ellie- no it was Allie- Addison?- no it was Allison. Allison. That's it. Okay Anna. It was Anna. Okay whatever, I was close enough.

She's a pretty blonde with lip filler and a whole bunch of other plastic surgeries

Not at all my type.

So what? I can try something new...

Whatever. The point is I'm moving on. I am moving on.

Charli: "you have a date"
She almost laughed

Does she not believe me?
Why doesn't she believe I could have a date? What's funny?

Chase: "yes I have a date."
Charli: "alright Chase. Say what you want to make yourself feel better."

What?? Why doesn't she believe me??

Chase: "goodbye Charli."

I walked out of the door and left to my car

Fine. She doesn't have to believe me. I never asked her to.

Charlis POV:
There is no way he has a date. He just said that because I have a date. He can't be mad at me, I'm single. He ruined us. Yeah I feel horrible for going on a date this soon, but he can't be mad. I have a right.

I took my box of stuff he gave me and brought it over to the kitchen. I opened the box and all the stuff I left at his house was there.

It quickly brought back memories.

I can't do this. I can't look at this stuff. I can't wear this stuff. I can't use this stuff. Ever.

I went in my covert and grabbed a box of matches, I took out some lighter fluid and poured it inside the box. I picked up the box and brought it outside. I grabbed the match and lit it. I threw it inside the box causing it to go up in flames.

I smiled

I walked back inside and sat down on the couch waiting for the door bell to ring.

The door bell rang and I quickly walked over and opened the door.

Fernando: "hey, you look nice"
Charli: "thank you"

He put his hand out for me to take but I just walked passed him

Charli: "where are we going"
Fernando: "a restaurant close by"

Lots of detail.

Chases POV:

Anna: "So yeah, what I'm saying is like I think all faux blondes are fake. Like my friend Chelsea, I love her but she's such a bitch? You know what I mean?"

What the fuck is this girl even talking about- this was a horrible idea. It's like I'm going on a date with a middle schooler. How old is this girl even? I don't wanna catch a case. She's legal age right? it's hard to tell.

Anna: "let me alborate a little more-"

No please no more

I looked at my wrist

Chase: "oh looks like we are gonna be late. I think we better get going, or if you want I think it might be too late for dinner? You can leave if you want."


Anna: "it's 5pm?"


Chase: "alright let's go then"

We walked out of the house and got over to my car

Anna: "wow... vintage"


We got inside and I started driving
She started talking to me about all her drama.

I really can't be mad can I? I have new drama every week.

We arrived at the restaurant and we both walked inside

We were escorted to our table

Anna: "so, tell me about you."

What do I say. I haven't been on a date with someone in a long time

Chase: "uhm- well I-"
Anna: "any girls you like?"

Why is she asking this question. We are literally on a date right now

Chase: "well yeah"
Anna: "tell me about her"

This is only gonna make me sad but oh well.

Chase: "well I've known her since high school, we dated a long time ago but she broke up with me then later she found out she was pregnant with my daughter, she never told me. 10 years later, we reunite. I was soon to be married, she was married. Her and her husband... got a divorce let's just say. We soon get back together. I break up with her because I don't want to hurt my newly wife anymore then I already have. She gets pregnant again, but guess what. Not my kid. The kid dies, from her alcoholism. We get back together later but she found out I betrayed her so she broke up with me. We get back together after I saved her life, we take a break for a bit but then I ask her to marry me, she says yes but she ends up getting with my cousin so we break up. She leaves for a year becomes a bible girl, she changes back and we decide to give it one more shot but I ruined it by becoming very distant and she broke up with me. That pretty much sums it up"

Her jaw dropped

Anna: "you're too much, even for me"

when I say it out loud it sounds more crazy then I thought it would.

Chase: "yeah I've got a past... and that's not even the half of it... but I think it's what makes me different."

Charlis POV:
We arrived at the restaurant and we were brought to our seats.

Charli: "this place looks nice..."

He nodded

We both sat down

Fernando: "so, I'm actually very surprised you accepted this date. So tell me about you"

Do I have to-
Wait Who is that??
Oh my god he wasn't lying?! He had a date?! And they are at this restaurant?!

They always have the worst coincidences lmao😍

they are always destined to break up and get back together 😍

Okay new posting schedule, in my time it will be 2am around but in US time it will be like 5pm

Ah there's like no chapters left 😭
Im gonna cry this is so sad

Chapters left - 8
Word count - 1062

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