Do everything you can

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                    ~Chapter 182~
Do everything you can

Charlis POV:
He's fallen out of love with me... I know it... how? How is this possible? He's loved me for so many years and the second we start dating he doesn't love me anymore?

Ah great. Look what he's making me do? He's making me insecure? I'm not insecure. I am the opposite of insecure.

But now I'm not sure.

He made me this way. He's making me into a worse person.

I picked my head up from my knees and looked at my phone

I have to stop crying. This isn't gonna solve anything. Anything at all.

I got a text back


He's forgotten hasn't he? He forgot our anniversary.

Of course he did.

I put my face my into my lap and I couldn't help but to cry even more

Bo got up on my bed and licked my face

Charli: "god, what is wrong with me? Why am I like this. Why am I so pathetic. Why am I crying all the time now?? Over what? Him?"

I pet Bo

Charli: "what happened to The chase who loved me? What happened to the Chase who called my beautiful every day? Who told me all the reasons why he didn't deserve me? The one who would never make me cry"

He's gone isn't he...

Bo liked my face

Charli: "you're my only real friend Bo, and im glad he got you. Even though he never takes care of you im happy you're mine... I feel like you are the only constant in my life right now"

Im crazy I know. I talk to my dog. But what else am I supposed to do? I have nobody. I have nobody to talk to.

Charli: "you're the only one who actually listens"

Bo is an excellent listener. He never interrupts me

I pet him on the head

My phone started ringing
Wow. He's actually calling me?? Oh my god?!

I picked up my phone-
Seriously. The vet.

The vet? Why- oh. The results from the X-ray that was a month and a half ago.

I picked up the phone

Charli: "hello Charli here"

Vet: "hello Charli, we have the results back for your dogs X-rays"

That's good

Charli: "ok?"

Vet: "so Bo has a rare eye condition..."


Charli: "what do you mean? What does this mean?"

Vet: "this eye condition caused him to become blind in both eyes at a young age."

What?! Bo is blind?!
How did I not notice?!
I guess that's why he's so clumsy??

Charli: "seriously?!"

Vet: "that isn't the worst part..."

If that's not the worst part then what is?? What's worse then that??

Charli: "what do you mean..."

Vet: "this eye condition... it wasn't treated properly... and this caused infections... and the infections led to eye cancer..."

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