I trust you

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~Chapter 60~

Charlis POV:
Yes, I did it. Do I feel bad? No.
Do I regret it? No.
Did he deserve it? 100%

So why should I feel bad? He was a bad person. I really do wish I didn't have to do that.

The question is, why wait 5 years for the prenup when I could have just killed him all along?

The answer is simple. I don't like to kill people. Even though I did profit more from this, I still don't enjoy having to clean up the entire mess, go to the funeral, do all that shit for someone I killed myself.

In the end, killing him was the right and the only option left. He left me no choice, if he hadn't extended the prenup then none of this would have happened. He would have still been alive right now.

Killing him felt great. I wasn't thinking about his kids, I wasn't thinking about his life. The only thing I was thinking of as I slit his throat was how he sexually, and physically harassed me like I was some toy?

What I did to him was nowhere near as bad as what he's done to me

I remember this one time. I wasn't feeling well so I wasn't able to do a lot of things so I asked him to literally just go downstairs and get me my soup in the fridge. It started this whole fight and he ended up beating me until I almost died.

I didn't tell anyone obviously because I wanted the money and I didn't want him to break up with me.

When I say it like that it does sound like I'm weak and I can't defend myself but that isn't true. I can defend myself. I just chose not to because I knew one day I'd get my revenge and it turns out I was right.

Chase: "Charli..."

I looked over

Charli: "yes"
Chase: "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you more... even when we broke up... I know you've been through so much and I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to help"

Chase is the only person I can trust, that's why I told him. I knew he wouldn't judge me and I knew he wouldn't tell a soul. I trust him with my life even after we broke up and that says a lot about a person

Charli: "no, you couldn't have done anything. You tried and I didn't let you."
Chase: "I know we aren't really supposed to be hanging out... but I wanna be friends with you Charli... I miss you... a lot"


Charli: "you do?"

He nodded

Chase: "we don't have to be anything... I just wanna be friends"

Whenever we are friends it never works...

Charli: "are you sure?"

But I guess we can try

Chase: "yeah"

He wrapped his arms around me

Chase: "you can always talk to me, about anything. I know you don't have a lot of people to trust , but you can trust me"

I looked at him

Charli: "Chase Hudson, you're the only person I trust"

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