Why me

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~Chapter 194~
                         Why me

Chases POV:
I feel really bad for Charli and I can't help but to take partial blame for this... this was our dog and I didn't fight for him... I basically just let him die... maybe if I was there more this would have never happened...

I'm still wondering why Charli called me... while Fernando was here. Why did she want me to come here? It's not like Bo is my dog. He's her dog. He was supposed to be the both of ours but I never took care of him so he is Charlis.

I never knew this dog meant so much to her.

I walked up to her and put my arms around her

Chase: "love, listen to me. Just because Bo is dying doesn't mean he won't be here with us. He will be in a better place now and he won't be in pain anymore."

She nodded then sniffled

Next thing I feel a punch hit my jaw-
What the hell-

I looked to my side and it was Fernando

Charli: "Fernando! What is wrong with you?!"
Fernando: "he was hitting on you!"


Chase: "Charli I wasn't??"
Charli: "okay I cannot deal with this right now?? Both of you get out. I'm trying to say goodbye to my dog!"

This isn't my fault?? Fernando just punched me for no reason??

I stood up off the ground and left
I walked into the hallway and awkwardly stood by Fernando

Chase: "I told you to take care of her, not sleep with her"
Fernando: "she wanted me that night. She came onto me."

I rolled my eyes

Chase: "that's because she was feeling sad and she does that when she's sad."
Fernando: "well. Can you explain why she said yes when I asked her to be my girlfriend"

She what-

Chase: "you're her boyfriend-"

I was her boyfriend- literally yesterday-
I will not believe this is real- this is a phase for her- it is a phase. There's no way she has a new boyfriend in 1 day?!

Charlis POV:
I can't believe this... I can't believe the only constant in my life is dying. He helped me through so much... and this might sound completely crazy but Bo was always there for me when no one else was... every time I was home waiting for Chase he reminded me of the fun times we had together... the day we first got him...

The last time we were happy...

I can't believe this...
The truth is I really don't know why I called Chase here... im using this as an excuse to spend time with him... but why? Why do I want to spend time with him after everything?

I guess this is his dog too... I know he doesn't love Bo like I do... but I think he loves me and I need someone to love me right now. Someone who isn't Fernando... I need someone that I love to love me. Besides... Fernando is the one that did this. He convinced me nothing was wrong and maybe just maybe if I had brought him in when I thought something was wrong he'd be okay right now...

I leaned down to Bo and pet him

Charli: "I hope you find happiness somewhere else... you don't deserve this, you don't deserve to die. I know that you're purpose on this earth was to make someone happy and you did. I wish... I wish I could have given you a better life and I wish Chase had found you earlier on the streets... y-you would have lived with me and you would have been healthy but we took you in just a little too late..."

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