No strings attached

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                    ~Chapter 55~
No strings attached

Charlis POV:
I'm not gonna lie, I am a little drunk right now but I know what I want.
I miss the feeling of him kissing me and even if we kiss it won't matter because this is the last time we are gonna see each other. Might as well make the best of it.

Chase: "what?"
Charli: "I miss you Chase, and this is the last time we are gonna see each other so... might as well"

He sighed

Chase: "it wouldn't be right-"

He needs to stop being a goody two shoes

Charli: "it's not cheating? It's a kiss-"
Chase: "I'm not talking about that, it just wouldn't be good for either of us. Kissing is not the key to moving on"

I guess he's right...

Charli: "do you miss me?"

He put his hand on mine

Chase: "of course I miss you Love. I think about you everyday, but we can't be together. Maybe in another 10 years but not now"

Another 10 years?? I am not waiting 10 years.

Charli: "I'm not asking to get back together, I'm just asking for a kiss"
I smiled

it's a kiss. It's not the end of the world

Chase: "fine, only if you promise there's no feeling attached to the kiss"
Charli: "yeah I promise"

He smiled

Chase: "now I have a New Years kiss, and who better than you"
Charli: "well what time is it?"

I looked at my phone


Wait since when?! I only have a minute till New Years?! Oh my gosh-

Chase: "what time is it?"
Charli: "it's 11:59-"

Everybody yelled

Only 10 seconds till New Years?!


Was anybody gonna say anything??


Chase: "wait already?"


Charli: "I guess so"


Well I guess we kiss now
I really hope this isn't gonna be weird


I got closer to him


He wrapped his hands around my neck and I moved my face closer to his


Chase: "you ready?"
He whispered


Charli: "yup"

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