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~Chapter 160~
Chases POV:
She- she what? Did I hear that correctly? Is this a dream? Is she actually still kissing me right now- I'm in absolute shock. This isn't right? This isn't okay? She loves me- loves? It's been a year? What's happening- this is so confusing- I don't know what I should say? I don't know what I should do?

Do I love her?
Why did she say "I love you too"?

Too? As in I still love her?
Do I?
No. I don't. She's not even my friend.

She continued to kiss me and I slowly started pulled her off of me

Chase: "listen Charli..."

I don't know what to say?? I don't want to embarrass her?

Chase: "I don't think this is a good idea"

Her smile dropped

Charli: "but-"
Chase: "I don't understand you? First you stormed out of my house, you sleep with me, you kick me out of your car, and now you're back telling me you love me? How does that make any sense?"

Does she love or hate me? It's always so confusing.

Charli: "I got on the plane... and I read the last page"


Charli: "you said you You'll love me always? Was that true?"

I can't admit to that without telling her I love her?

Chase: "depends on which person are you deciding to be? The Charli I wrote about or a different one"
Charli: "Il drop church Charli for you."

I shook my head

Chase: "if you drop church Charli I want it to be for you. Not for me. I want you to be happy with who you are, and when that happens. Then you can call me"
Charli: "I am happy with who I am, not church Charli. Me. Church Charli just helped me along the way"

She has grown up a lot... my last year self would hate me for this... I promised myself I wouldn't get back with her

I took her neck and slowly inched my face closer to hers. Our lips almost touching

Why am I doing this? Do I even remember what she did to me last year, at all?

I slowly got closer and-

Lydia: "Dad, can you get me another book!"

God dammit Lydia

How did she already finish the book I gave her?

I took my hands of Charli and sighed

Chase: "I'm sorry-"
Charli: "it's okay. We will have a real kiss sooner or later."

I nodded

Chase: "I'd rather sooner"

I filled the gap between us and kissed her slowly on the lips.
she placed her hands in my hair.

She took her hands off of me and we pulled away from the kiss-

That was a really bad kiss- I think I did everything right- then why did it feel so wrong-

We both ignored what had just happened and moved on awkwardly

Chase: "she's a really fast reader you know..."
Charli: "yeah..."
Chase: "unfortunately she's not as good at math as she is reading"

I laughed

Charli: "why?"
Chase: "I asked her really long mathematical equation"
Charli: "what was It"

I wouldn't even expect her to answer it correctly, I don't even know the answer

Chase: "I think it was something like- 7 x 8 x 1688 - 677 + 737 ➗ 57 x 0.578?"
Charli: "93,858.473? Right?"

My eyes widened

Chase: "that's the answer she got-"

She nodded

Charli: "it's what I thought. She's gifted"

That is what I was thinking too.
she's not just smart of her age. She's really smart.  I don't know what we expect to do about it though? I don't want to make her life harder than it is right now?

Chase: "wait how did you know that answer"
Charli: "i was also gifted a long time ago, I guess it's genetics"

Oh. I never knew that?

Chase: "well I guess it makes sense, you were really smart in high school"

I got so annoyed too because she was really smart but her friends weren't so she dumbed herself down for them too fit in


Charlis POV:
Ok at this point, I can't even focus enough to acknowledge that Lydia's gifted.

That kiss was horrible? Are we just gonna move past that-

I did not make a scene, Run off the plane, Drive all the way back from the airport, confess my love for Chase, just for him to not say it back? And give me a horrible kiss?

Was this a mistake? Do we not have the same spark we did before? I mean- we kissed before this, in the limo. But that wasn't supposed to be good? They were sloppy because we were having sex.

Did I just become a bad kisser? I haven't kissed anyone in like a year.

No? I couldn't have become a bad kisser.

I couldn't have.

But it wasn't him? He's kissed other people pretty recently.

But I'm not a bad kisser? I'm a good kisser. 

I was a good kisser.

I don't know what happens now. I think we always knew Lydia was gifted we just need something to talk about because this is really awkward.

I told him I loved him. What does that mean we are? Dating? Or did that kiss just confirm we shouldn't date.

Do I leave?

Chase: "so you're staying?"

Well I was sure before?? But he's giving me mixed signs now??
Should I go back to poland?
He doesn't seem too be interested in me?

Charli: "I mean... do you want me to stay?"
Chase: "do you wanna stay?"

Well I only want to stay if you want me to stay?? Otherwise I have nothing else to stay here for?

Charli: "I'm still making my choice..?"

I'm waiting for signs I have a chance with him?

Chase: "well if I'm being honest... I think it would be easier if you stayed. Long distance relationships are a lot of work but whatever you want"

I smiled

Well that's clearly a sign that he wants to be with me??

Charli: "then Il stay"

This is a huge choice but if it means us staying together. Il stay.

Charli: "so this means we are in a relationship?"
Chase: "oh no I was talking about you and Lydia"

Son of a bitch.

Lmao who knew one horrible kiss could ruin a relationship 😭
Lols ☺️

Don't worry, you guys didn't wait that long for that. I got things coming

Word Count - 1072

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