You need help

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~Chapter 84~
You need help
Charlis POV:
No?? What?? I am not an alcoholic? There's no way I'm an alcoholic?!


I'm not an alcoholic right?-

No, I'm not. I can't be. I don't even drink that much...
Well... maybe sometimes I get a little carried away-

Holy shit... he's right?? I am an alcoholic...

I shouldn't have yelled at him... I was just scared... scared that he may be right...

But he is right... I do drink too much...
I can't remember the last day I didn't have a drink...
I have one every breakfast, lunch and dinner- I have one in between breakfast and lunch... I have a bunch after dinner...

He's right. this isn't healthy for me.
It's also probably the reason I miscarried... I do have a problem

I turned around and looked at the ground

Charli: "you're right... I'm an alcoholic... im sorry"

I really shouldn't have yelled at him...
He was just worried...

I felt tears roll down my face he quickly walked up to me and hugged me

Chase: "don't be sorry. It's not your fault"

He patted my back

Charli: "it is my fault... I started drinking and I yelled at anyone who tried to stop me"

It's true...

Chase: "it's just the effects of alcohol... you are gonna be okay... and I will do everything I can to help you"

I smiled

Charli: "thank you Chase..."

Why is he so nice to me... what did I do to deserve this...

Chase: "before you know it you'll be alcohol free. Il help you and if I can't than Il get you professional help"

I don't wanna be alcohol free though.
I hate even the thought of that? I don't wanna be a borough sober person?

Charli: "is there something wrong with me? Why can't I just be normal and not drink out of control??"

I don't wanna sound like some insecure little girl because I'm not insecure... but I am truly clueless about what to do...

He pulled away from the hug

Chase: "there is nothing wrong with you. Do you know how many people have the same problem as you? Millions. But most of them don't want help. Which makes you the strongest out of all of them. I will make sure you get sober again, I will not stop trying until you are."

He put his hand on my cheek

Chase: "you'll get through this and I'm be here every step of the way"

I smiled

Charli: "you don't have to help me you know... I could just go to rehab or something..."

I obviously don't wanna go to rehab but I don't want him wasting all of his time helping me

Chase: "I want to help you"


Charli: "why"
Chase: "its not a chore? I love spending time with you and who other her to be
Your Sponsor than me?"

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