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                      ~Chapter 47~

Charlis POV:
What- he will pay? For my drink? Why? I'm not complaining but why?

Never mind. I just forgot how nice he was. He'd probably pay for any random persons drink if they didn't have money.

Charli: "really? That really would mean a lot to me"
Chase: "'s on the house"

He smiled awkwardly

Charli: "thanks"

If this wasn't so awkward I'd smile back

He put in my order

Chase: "okay... you can wait over there"

I nodded and walked over.

I watched him make the drink and place it on the counter

Charli: "thanks"

I took the drink and quickly ran out of the store.

Guess I'm never going to that Starbucks again.

I looked at my drink and glanced at the name on it

"Charli <3"

Wonder if he puts that heart there for every client.

Chases POV:
That was horrible.
How could I let myself be that nice??
I have spent the past month training myself for this exact situation. I have re run it in my head about a thousand time.

I didn't think it would happen this soon but it did and it's like all the things I told myself to do if I accidentally ran into her disappeared the moment I saw her.

I need to call my therapist. Now.

Chase: "hey Dan, please fill in for me for a few minutes"
Dan: "fill in?? I have my own job?"

I picked up my phone and called her

Chase: "hey dr.Chen, I know my days are Friday's and Sundays but can I please come in today? I really need to talk to you"

Der.Chen: "yeah, of course. I'm just a little busy from 3-5 but you can come after that"

Chase: "thank you!"

I hung up

Ok I feel better.

9 hours later

Ok surprisingly the rest of my first day at work went well. I got a few tips and I made some good money, maybe even enough to afford this extra therapy session.

Chase: "hey Blaire, I'm gonna go now? Call me if anything is wrong"

Why do I have a feeling she isn't gonna be happy about this

Blaire: "where are you going"
Chase: "therapy"

She sighed

Blaire: "why? It's not Friday or Sunday? Do you think we have enough money for this?"
Chase: "it's my money blaire. I have enough"
Blaire: "it's our money"

She hasn't worked in months...

Chase: "I worked really hard today so I could make up for how much this is gonna cost."
Blaire: "fine just go"

She rolled her eyes
I walked away and left the house
I got in the car and started driving to the place

I arrived and I parked the car, I walked inside and sat in the waiting room.

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