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~Part 102~
Charlis POV:
I- what?! What is happening?! Someone is stalking me. Taking pictures of me through my window?! This isn't a joke anymore?? It's real?!

Someone is watching me.
And I have a feeling they have been for a while.

I don't know what to do?! I have to call the police right?? This is a crime?!

I quickly locked the door and walked over to the windows. I closed the blinds and I saw a picture slide under the door-

They're here-
What do I do?! Do I confront him?? Do I kill him?! Do I call the police?! He is probably already gone?!

I quickly grabbed a knife from the kitchen and picked up the picture off the ground

It had writing on the back

"Great you're back together again. That's what? The 10th time? I'm not complaining, I get a front row seat. I like to pretend he's me."

I turned the picture around- ah fuck.

A picture of me on top of chase with my top off-

I'm gonna try and catch him.

I quickly opened the door and he was gone.

First I thought this was a joke?! Then I figure out he's been watching me?! Now he's following me?! And now I figure out he likes to watch chase and I have sex?! Plus he pretends chase is him?! What a creep.

This is a violation and I'm calling the
Cops. I don't know what I can do anymore?! This has gotten serious?!

I dropped the knife and laid on the ground starting at the sealing

I took a breath put my hands on my face

I started to hyperventilate

Chase: "charli- are you okay??"

I shook my head

Chase: "what happened??"

He looked down at the knife

Chase: "charli..-"
Charli: "I didn't try to kill myself chase"

Definitely not what happened

Chase: "can you tell me what happened??"
Charli: "I need some rest"

I'm gonna sleep on this one. I didn't really wanna believe I'm being stalked.
I wanted to believe it was all a joke.

But it's real and I don't wanna talk about it, I don't wanna call the police. I wanna go to bed and I don't wanna wake up.

I stood up and walked over to the bedroom

Chase: "charli?? Are you gonna tell me what happened??"

I shook my head

Charli: "Il tell you in the morning."

I laid down on the bed and he laid down beside me
I looked at him

Charli: "I promise"
Chase: "okay. Il wait"

I put his arms around my body and he leaned his chin on top of my head

Chase: "goodnight love"
Charli: "goodnight"

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