Its a date

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                    ~Chapter 163~
It's a date

Charlis POV:
Exactly what I thought. She's gonna end up like me isn't she? Maybe Chase is right? Ending up like me would be a bad thing for her? Why did I take that as an insult? I don't want her to end up like me. I can't let them take her? I have to do something? Right?
I can't let another life get ruined by my parents.

Not even my parents. Me. I gave her to them. This is my fault.

Charli: "I think not. Lydia. You're staying."

She looked at me

Lydia: "Charli. Stop. There's nothing you can do-"
Charli: "don't call me that? I'm your mom. Call me mom?!"

That came out harsher than I wanted it too it's annoying how she calls me Charli.

Charli: "I'm sorry. Just please. I'm your mom."


Lydia: "sorry mom."

now I sound abusive??

Charli: "ok I'm sorry, call me whatever you want. I'm not letting them take you?"
Lydia: "Il be fine. I promise."

I shook my head

Charli: "can I talk to you for a second."

She nodded

Mister damelio: "oh no no. Come back here. She's coming with us. There's nothing you can do."
Lydia: "sorry mom. I gotta go."


Charli: "fine. Il say this in front of everyone. I think Lydia should go to a gifted school."

I know. I know. It's not that great? It will make her feel left out and different but that's no different then how she already feels?
If we send her to an overnight gifted school, where she has stay all the time that leave no time for my parents to abuse her.

Charli: "an over night one, like a university. You will have your own room."
Chase: "charli are you sure that's-"
Charli: "think about it."

I looked at Lydia

Charli: "you would get to hang out with kids with your smarts, you would get to learn things at your level? Plus you'd fit in. In a way you'd feel more normal then you do right now"

She smiled

Miss damelio: "no! She isn't even gifted?! She's going to her normal school and she's gonna continue too! She's saying with us??"

This is about the money isn't it.
The money that Lydia makes them.

Charli: "Il pay for the school and Il send you money every year just for you to say yes."

I want Lydia to be happy. I want her to get the life I never got.

Charli: "Do you want that Lydia? Do you want to go to a gifted program?"
Lydia: "I don't want to inconvenience you..."

I shook my head

Charli: "it's not an inconvenience at all."
Lydia: "you'd do this? For me? Well- I mean- if grandma and grandpa say yes, I'd more than love to go"

I smiled and looked at my so called parents

Charli: "100 grand."
Miss damelio: "what?"
Charli: "100 grand a year for you to let her go"

They looked at each other

Lydia: "I can't let you pay that plus the program? I can't accept that?"
Charli: "you don't have to accept it."

She's going. It's decided.

Mister damelio: "150k."
Charli: "deal."

Ha. I would have done 300k.

I still have a lot of money left over, I got 10 million dollars from Alexander, before that I had around 6 hundred thousand dollars and I've only spent around 3.5 million. So I got some money left over.

Charli: "great, it's decided. Lydia I'm enrolling you in a gifted school where ever you want."

She smiled

Lydia: "thanks mom"

I looked at chase and smiled

Charli: "mom, dad, Il send you the information and by next visit if Lydia tells me she still isn't in a gifted school, I'm not sending you any money."

They nodded

Mister damelio: "alright Lydia. Let's go. We are leaving."

They grabbed her

Charli: "goodbye lyds."
Chase: "bye Lydia, Il see you soon"

She waved and left
Chase smiled at me

Chase: "it means a lot to me that you did that, Il pay for half."

I shook my head

Charli: "no, you've been here for her for the past year while I was away. Let me do something for her"
Chase: "but it's a lot of money Charli?"
Charli: "well it's a good thing I have a lot of money"

I smiled

Charli: "so what do you wanna do?"
Chase: "maybe... since we are starting over... we should go on a date?"

A date? I think we've been on a total of 1 date?  I really don't remember the last time we've been on a date?

Charli: "yeah that sounds good, where?"
Chase: "maybe a restaurant?"

A normal date? I don't think we've ever been on one of those?

Charli: "alright. It's a date."

This is so weird. We haven't dated in so long, it's gonna be weird getting into a relationship with him after so long

Chase: "ok. Can I pick you up at 7 love?"

I nodded

Charli: "sounds good."

I smiled

We really are starting over, this is literally our first date. Other than in high school, I don't think we've ever really had a normal date.

I walked over to the door

Chase: "I love you Charli."
Charli: "I love you"

I walked out the door

Chases POV:
As always I need to buy something for Charli to wow her even though I have no money and every time I go out to buy her something I end up spending half my rent for the year. It's always worth it when I see the smile on her face.

I walked over to my room and went inside my closet to look for something to wear for our date today.

I looked on top of my closet and I saw a pair of earring.
My sisters.
The ones she was wearing before she died. They gave these to be at the hospital. They have a lot of sentimental value to me.

Well I should give these to Charli. Special earrings for a special girl.

Ok it's literally been so long since they've dated, not only do they not know how to act, but I don't know how to write it😭

I've gotten to the point where I only know how to write angst and drama 🤪

Thank you for 85k!!

Word count - 1058

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