How it ends

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~The Final Chapter~
                       How it ends

Charlis POV:
Alright. I did not expect him to wanna come but I really have no time to worry about that right now. Fernando will be fine with it right- yeah. He'll be fine. I just need to make sure everything's ready for the wedding. Everything has to be perfect.

Once I arrived home Fernando was on a call with someone.
He saw me and put the phone down

Fernando: "just finished with the priest. everything's done. I offered them more to get if done by tomorrow. Do you have your dress?"

I nodded.

Wow. I can't believe this is happening- for real- for real this time. Ah my nerves are kicking in? I'm supposed to be nervous right? Yes. I am. Everyone's nervous at weddings.

Charli: "this is happening? This is really happening?"

He nodded and smiled

Fernando: "we are getting married"

I smiled and he walked up and kissed me

Charli: "by the end of tomorrow Il be a married women."

Il be happy.

I smiled

I am so excited.

Fernando: "do you have your vows?"

Vows- were doing those? Seriously? I don't know how to write vows? What am I supposed to say? Oh. Okay. I think I got something. I think i can think of something.

Charli: "yeah il write them now."

I also need a hairdresser and makeup person- whatever. Il do it myself.

Everything will be ready for tomorrow.

Chases POV:
What if I'm not able to stop the wedding... we're really over... I mean- I knew we were over before but now we are actually over... she's marrying another man?

I don't know- I don't know if I even have the energy to do this today...

I've had the worst week in the entire world... we break up... Bo dies... my mom dies... And now this? Now she's getting married? How can I say goodbye to everything we had? Is this how it ends? Is this how our story ends...

I remember the day I came into her office for a job like it was yesterday... little did I know...

I can't doubt myself now... I can't do that? I need hope, I need some sort of hope to ruin this wedding? How? How will I do that? Maybe I just need to remind her of what we had? Il remind her of all the good times we had.

If that doesn't work il need a backup plan... I know.
When the priest asks if their are any objections to the marriage Il say "me"
Romantic gesture right?
Yes. I'm sure this will work...

I regret telling her I don't love her... I know I was trying to do what's best for her... but I never thought this would be happening...

I want her back... I need her back...
I need her.

I don't know if Il be able to live with myself if she gets married... I don't know if Il be able to live at all.

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