I would never do that

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                   ~Chapter 173~
I would never do that

Charlis POV:
"I didn't know he had a girlfriend"
I'm sorry but what the fuck?! No I'm not sorry?! He's actually cheated on me hasn't he?!
I know we haven't really said anything about what we are but I assumed we were exclusive to each other only??
I mean we love each other??

Okay maybe I'm over reacting. Maybe he's not cheating on me. Who am I kidding. Chase would never do that to me. Ever. I know it. 
Drunk or not, he remembers me. He remembers his girlfriend and I know he did not wait this long just to ruin everything.

I took at deep breath and picked my phone back up

I started typing

I smiled at the phone

"Il make sure to wake up him for you"
The person texted back

Good. I'm glad this person gets the message.

A few minutes later my phone buzzed
I clicked on the notification and read the text

"Oh my god Charli! I'm so sorry! I got drunk! Really drunk!"

Sorry for what? Cheating on me?

"What are you doing?? Where are you??"
I replied

"Charli calm down"

Calm down?? No I won't calm down??

"That's it I'm calling you."
I replied

He typed quickly

"what! No! I mean. No. You Cant, I actually have to go. Sorry"
He said

He is cheating on me?! Why else would I not be aloud to call him. Will I accidentally hear the persons voice.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone

"we need to talk. Now."
I typed

I did not wait all this time for my knight in shining armor to turn into a a toad. He treats me right, that's why I want him. Maybe I was wrong. I wanna know the full side of this story

"yes Mame."
He replied

Good. We have a lot to talk about chase. Just don't get my bad side

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

Only a few minutes had felt like hours.

What is he doing?? Did he have time to fuck them again before he left??

I walked over him and gave him the look. before he could walked inside I put my arm out at the door way blocking him from entering

Charli: "where were you."

He looked at the ground.

He actually cheated on me didn't he.

Chase: "I want to tell you Charli... I really do... but it's very personal and I don't know If I'm ready to share."

How am I supposed to believe that?

Charli: "why were you drunk, why were you asleep when someone was going on your phone??"
Chase: "I promise you, I will explain it to you later"

Later?? Later means months. And I don't want to wait months just to for him to tell me if he cheated on me

Charli: "did you cheat on me? You can tell me"

Il only beat your ass till you can't stand no more.

Chase: "cheat?? You're joking right?? Why would I throw this all away for someone else?! That word doesn't even exist in my vocabulary."

That is what I thought of course.
Still doesn't explain anything.

Chase: "look... I know you're probably confused... but don't worry, this isn't about you or us. It's just personal and I want you to trust me, when I have I ever done anything to hurt you on purpose?"


Charli: "never..."
Chase: "exactly Charli, I've only ever loved you so why would I ever do anything like that."

I nodded and smiled

He's right. I should trust him. He wouldn't cheat on me.
I'm just confused

Charli: "it just doesn't make any sense chase. This is all pointing towards you cheating on me but I know you wouldn't do that so I don't know what to even think."
Chase: "Il tell you eventually... I just can't right now..."

I nodded

Alright. I can trust him. For now.

Charli: "okay. Okay. I will trust you."

If this relationships gonna work I gotta trust him. We both have to trust each other

And even though I'm dying to know where he was, I gotta trust that he's not doing something bad

Chase: "thank you"

He smiled 

Time skip ⏭
2 weeks later

Charlis POV:
This doesn't make sense.
At all.
I go to sleep and Chase is next to me, then I wake up and he's gone.
All the time.

Where is he going? He won't tell me.
He says it's "personal"

Don't get me wrong. He is still a great boyfriend. He gets back at like 10am every morning, we do something fun, we have a great time, we go to bed either at my house  or at his house and by the morning he is gone. Just gone.

I always get a text from him saying

"I'm so sorry love, I gotta go. Il see you when you wake up"

He stopped sending those a bit ago though. He just goes like it's a routine

And it's always at like 3am? Why can't he just do it in the day? And why does he always leave for like 7 hours at night?  Well I guess if he did whatever he does in the day then he would have no time to spend with me.

I just don't understand what it is he isn't telling me.

I wake up in his bed alone. Again.

I sighed and stood up
I walked through his apartment
My phone buzzed and I looked down at it

"Sorry love, I'm gonna be gone a little bit longer today. I love you."

Longer?? Why?? He has 7 hours?? At night?

I already don't see him for 4 hours a day on week days because of his job, he can't take weekend time away from me too

I sighed and responded


What is Chases secret?? There always has to be a secret lol. I don't think theve ever once gone without having a secret

Take some guesses in the comments heheh 🤪💅

Almost at 90k! Also only 26 chapters left 🥲 this is so sad

Lmao remember when I said this book wouldn't be as close to as long as fwb 😀

Word count - 1064

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