My life is great

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~Chapter 145~
My life is great

Time skip ⏭
1 year later...

Chases POV:
Isn't today such a beautiful day.
Everything is great. My life is great.
I have a job and even though it doesn't pay great, I'm still happy. Everything in my life is going so perfectly, just like it has been for the past year. It feels odd.
But good of course.

I mean obviously, not everything is perfect perfect. I'm having this issue...
With this boy... his name is will. He says he likes me but he hasn't really done anything to prove it?

At this point I feel like Il never find love, I've dated 3 people in the past year.
They all told me I was taking the relationship too slow so they all broke up with me. It's not my fault though? It takes time for me to tell people I love them. If they are in Love with me that's fine but that gotta know I won't say it immediately back.

My phone started ringing and I looked at it "unknown caller ID"

I picked up

Blaire: "hey Chase- so uh- I know it's been a while but you're invited to my wedding. I forgot to send you an invite"

Oh. I mean- yeah Il go. I haven't really done anything fun in awhile

Chase: "when is it?"
Blaire: "uhm- today"

Today?? What??

Chase: "that's pretty short notice"
Blaire: "I understand if you can't come"

I have nothing else to do so why not

Chase: "yeah Il go"

I haven't talked to blaire in like a year-
Well I haven't really talked to anyone in a year. It's been... kinda boring.

Charlis POV:
Ever since I moved from london last year, to here in Poland. It's been amazing but not Poland. Bible camp has changed my life. I've changed so much as a person because of Jesus. I look back at my old self and I feel horrible, all of the sins I've- no. We don't look back on the past. We look to the future. I've already confessed my sins and god forgave me. I shouldn't feel bad anymore, that isn't me any more. I'd never do any of the things I did before.

The bible has really had a huge impact of my life.

I got a call on my phone and I looked up at the priests

Charli: "father Laurence may I please take this phone call"

He nodded

Charli: "bless you"

I pressed answer on my phone and put it too my ear

Charli: "hello"

I smiled

Blaire: "charli-"

Charli: "this is she! How are you blaire?? It's been so long!"

She said nothing for a bit

Blaire: "are you okay?"

Charli: "of course I'm okay! I'm better than ever? what may I help you with today"

Blaire: "my fiancé, wants to invite you to our wedding. I don't but she insisted. Sorry for late notice"

A wedding? That sounds amazing. Celebrating the Connection and love of two spirts on a very special day is such a blessed moment

Charli: "apologize accepted, I would love to come to your wedding, when is it?"

Blaire: "today"

Today- that works. Il be very quick, Il make sure to get on the next flight

Charli: "perfect, may god bless you and your wife"

I got off my phone

Charli: "forgive me father but I must go, I have an important event to attend."
Father: "will you be back?"

Will I be back? Of course Il be back

Charli: "most definitely"
Father: "okay , goodbye Charli. I will see you soon"
Charli: "goodbye father Laurence"

I walked over to my room and grabbed just some of my stuff.

I can't believe I'm going back to London, I miss It there but Il be back here after the wedding. I could never leave bible camp.

This is me, this is my new life and I'm never going back to my old self

Chases POV:
I looked inside my closet and tried to find the nicest thing I had. I found Box at the bottom of my closet.

What's this?

I opened the box and inside was-

Nope nope nope. I don't wanna bring back the wrong memories.

I heard a knock at the door
I walked over and opened it

Chase: "will? What are you doing here"
Will: "I know Ive been off for a bit, and I know It kinda seems like I don't really like you but the truth is... I do really really like and every time I come around you I get nervous"

I smiled and blushed

Will: "can I come in?"
Chase: "I actually have a wedding to attend- do you wanna be my escort maybe?"

He nodded

Will: "yeah I'd love to"

I smiled

Chase: "great"

Time skip ⏭
2 hours later

Charlis POV:
Once I arrived back from the airport to my house, I walked up to my front door. I took the key from my Matt and opened the door

Wow. Almost forgot how big this house was. I should really sell this place, I wanna move to Poland permanently.

I walked inside and went up to my room. I walked inside my room and went in my closet to find something

Oh my- these dresses are all way to short?

I looked through every single one and I could not find one that was appropriate

Do I own anything that isn't short and low cut?

I looked at the bottom of my closet-
Handcuffs- I'm gonna pretend like I don't know why I had these.

I grabbed a dress that was the longest one I could find. It was a beige dress that went down to my toes

This dress is for sure very tight.

I walked over to my mirror and grabbed a white small purse

I did my make up and I decided to get going

Chases POV:
We arrived at the wedding and I got a little deja vu from my wedding with blaire.

I'm glad she is happy now and I'm actually surprised she wants me to come to her weeding.
I ruined her wedding night but I guess we are on good terms now

Chase: "I'm gonna go get us drinks if that's okay?"

He nodded and I walked over to the drink station.
I poured 2 drinks and as I picked them up and turned around a girl bumped into my and spilled her drink all over my shirt and the glasses fell on the ground.

As she went down to pick them up
I recognized her voice

Charli: "oh my goodness I am so sorry dear, I did not mean to do that. Please let me buy you a new outfit-"

She stood up and we both looked at each other in the eyes

Chase: "charli"

I've seriously forgotten how to write a year time skip 😭 well anyways, looks like Charli is a nice girl now

She's a different person, maybe a little too different? How long can she go before her pass comes back to haunt her

She's a Jesus girl now 😈😇

Word count - 1188

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