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                    ~Chapter 43~

Charlis POV:
Nope. I will not accept this. He can't just show up at my door after 2 weeks of nothing and pretend like nothings wrong? He's been avoiding me for 2 weeks?? 14 days?? And for what? I don't even know because he won't tell me.

The worst part is I'm not even mad at him. I should be? I am annoyed but I'm not mad?? He finds a way to flatter me every time . I hate it and I love it at the same time.

I appreciate the small things he does, when he calls me beautiful even when I look terrible. When he tells me he loves me, when he says I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. And even just getting me this small tulip. I know it isn't much but he spends all his money just to buy me things he thinks I'd like.

I pretend like I don't care when he says these things, but I do. He knows I do. Nobody else does but he does.

Chase: "I'm so sorry love, I feel terrible. I really do..."

This still doesn't answer the question? What is going on with him??

Charli: "tell me why you've been avoiding me?"

He looked nervous

Chase: "I can't... I'm sorry... but if it helps you're not the one I have been avoiding"

Huh? So he's not mad at me? Then why has he been- oh- Sarah. He talked to her then started crying then left. He hasn't been avoiding me??? He's been avoiding Sarah?

It probably has something to do with why he isn't telling me

Charli: "did you guys kiss? You can tell me if you did... I just wanna know what happened"

It makes sense, why else would he be avoiding her?

He looked offended

Chase: "are you kidding me? Is that what you really think of me?"

I shrugged

Charli: "no. I know you wouldn't do that I was just asking"
Chase: "I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't ever cheat on you"


Charli: "hate to break it to you but you already are cheating on me, but that's okay because I'm cheating on you... sorta"

He looked confused

Chase: "what?"
Charli: "you and blaire kiss right?"

He slowly nodded

Charli: "no there's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm fine with that. You guys are married."
Chase: "does that really count as cheating though? Because I'm having an affair with you not on you"

I shrugged

Yeah I guess he's right

Charli: "yeah that makes sense"
Chase: "guess that's just how having a love affair works"

No. I didn't even notice that I switched the conversation.
I need to Know why I haven't seen him in 2 weeks

Charli: "can you answer my question now?"

He sighed

Chase: "can we walk?"

It's snowing, cold, and dark but okay?

I quickly put my shoes and a jacket on and I went outside

He held my hand

Chase: "are you cold? You can have my jacket"


Charli: "tell me what happened. Please."
Chase: "I don't want to"


Charli: "I deserve to know don't you think??"
Chase: "yes. But right now I wanna keep some things private. I'm not ready to tell you"

I let go of his hand

Charli: "I was worried about you?? You can't just run off without telling me why?? What did she do??"
Chase: "can you please just accept the fact that I'm not telling you??"

I should respect it. But I won't.

Charli: "something has been up with you?! What is it??"
Chase: "you wanna know Charli?! Fine. when we were in high school, I was drugged and i was raped for 3 months?! Nobody cared and nobody believed me?!"

Oh my god?! Is that what actually happened?? I feel so bad. I see why he wasn't ready to tell me now. It makes sense now. He was raped by Sarah?

Charli: "I'm so sorry"
Chase: "no, I'm sorry love. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

Are you kidding me? Why is he apologizing again??

Charli: "why didn't you tell me? Were we still together when it happened?"
Chase: "yeah. We were."

I don't understand. I could have helped him?

Chase: "you'd never believe me. Nobody would believe me"

Wait what??
He thinks I'd never believe him??

Charli: "what kind of person do you think I am??"

Of course I'd believe him?! This makes me question, did we have any trust in our relationship? Why did he even date me if he thought I was the type of person to not believe him?

Chase: "I wouldn't blame you, nobody believed me."

I rolled my eyes

Charli: "do you even trust me?"
Chase: "of course I do"

Doesn't seem like it

Charli: "well trust me when I say, I would have believed you. And I am gonna kick Sarah out of the house"

He smiled

Chase: "really?"
Charli: "yes really, I'm not letting a rapist stay in my house"

He smiled then kissed me

Now that I think about it. Our relationship in high school definitely was not perfect. We both had so many issues going on but we'd never tell each other. The only thing that mattered then was that we made each other happy. It didn't matter what was going on in my life at the moment, Chase made me happy even if I was being abused by my parents, bullied by my friends, when we were around each other I didn't care. Some might say it was toxic but it wasn't. Yeah, there we're definitely trust issues in the relationship but it wasn't toxic.
It was fun while it lasted.

Chases POV:
Maybe I shouldn't have told her like that. I should have actually had a proper conversation with her. I just got mad and I shouldn't have. She deserved to know even if I wasn't ready to tell...

My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. Blaire.

Chase: "can I get this?"
Charli: "yeah"

I pressed answer

Chase: "hey blaire"

It was silent for a second

Blaire: "come home. NOW."

Drama next chapter hehe
Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I know I know, another boring chapter. I'm so sorry, do not worry. I will make it more interesting, please don't stop reading

Word count - 1068

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