She can date whoever she wants

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~Chapter 153~
She can date whoever she wants

Charlis POV:
I know! I know! It's horrible?? But I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy the dream?! I can't stop thinking about it?? I can't stop thinking about how he kissed my jaw and how his hands went around my w- no?! See?? This is exactly what I'm talking about?

Why am I thinking like this. This never happens?

I refuse to think about this any longer.
In my mind, I'm a virgin. I don't like to think about my old self. Though my virginity was taken from me by Chase, I like to forget about that and pretend I have a pure and innocent soul. But if that were true? Why do I find myself thinking about recreating that dream

Ew no?! That's disgusting?? I would never do that?? Ever?? Unless of course I was a married woman. Which I'm not.

I've already promised god I'd never engage in any sexual activity until I'm married.

Charli: "I know it's terrible! I'm so sorry!"

I put my hands Together and looked up

Charli: "please god forgive me"
Priest: "why do you think you are having these dreams?"

I don't know??

Charli: "I have no idea"
Priest: "is this friend maybe more than a friend?"

Yes, he's my ex

Charli: "he is my ex"

But that doesn't have to do with anything does it?

Priest: "have you guys ever been sexually active"


I looked at the ground in disappointment

Charli: "unfortunately yes... a long time ago"
Priest: "why do you think you are having these dreams now then?"
Charli: "maybe because I haven't seen him in a long time..."

That's probably why...

Priest: "that is probably why you are having un-holly dreams about this man"

I nodded

Charli: "you're right. That has to be the only reason"
Priest: "you are forgiven"

I smiled

Charli: "thank you so much father"

I walked out of the box and saw Fernando standing there

Fernando: "I heard you taking"

Oh no?? He did?? That's so embarrassing?! You aren't supposed to listen to the confessions??

Fernando: "it's okay if you are having dreams about me"


Charli: "you-"
Fernando: "Really it's okay"


Charli: "oh my gosh how did you know."

Better him than chase

Fernando: "I heard you say you were having un holly dreams about a friend who you haven't seen or been sexually active with in a long time"

Take a hint...

Charli: "exactly... you were exactly who I was thinking of"

He nodded

Fernando: "that's alright, I dream about you too"

Oh- uhm. Alright...

Charli: "let's get going"

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