Il be there

588 42 15

~Chapter 80~
Il be there

Chases POV:
NO- why does this always happen?!
Well- it used to always happen- this is the first time I've seen her in 3 months?!
This is so awkward?

I have to stop right? I can't just say hi and keep walking?? That would be even more awkward.

Should I stop or just keep walking?

She waved and smiled at me.
I approached her

Chase: "long time no see?"

She nodded

Charli: "how are you" Chase: "how are you?"

We said at the exact same time-

Chase: "I'm good, you?" Charli: "Good, you?"

We said at the same time again
I laughed awkwardly

Chase: "so... why are you outside a laundry place?"

She laughed

Charli: "waiting for someone..."


Chase: "fun"

She nodded awkwardly

Oh- I just noticed... she's not pregnant? She must of had an abortion

Chase: "you're not pregnant?"

I'd feel really bad if she was still pregnant and I wasn't there to help her

Charli: "miscarriage"

Oh my gosh- I feel bad for mentioning it now?

Chase: "oh... I'm so sorry"
Charli: "no, it's okay. At least I didn't have to chose"


Charli: "so how are you doing? Love life wise"

Why does she want to know about my love life?

Chase: "I'm good... I'm seeing someone"

She looked shocked-

Is that really so shocking

Charli: "you are?"

Maybe I shouldn't have said that- I don't wanna make her feel bad??

Chase: "I mean ya- but it isn't that serious"
Charli: "how long have you been dating her?"

Wrong pronoun...

Chase: "him"

She raised her eye brows

Charli: "oh sorry, how long have you been dating him?"
Chase: "2 months"

Her eyes widened

Charli: "what?! Not that serious?? You have a serious boyfriend?"

I shrugged

Chase: "I guess"

I hope she's not hurt By that? I mean, he isn't really a serious boyfriend. It's only been 2 months.

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