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                    ~Chapter 123~

Chases POV:
I- I don't know what to say? She's asking me to marry her?? This never happens?? She never wants to move this fast?? Especially since we aren't even together?? I mean of course I wanna marry her?? Any guy in his right mind would??

But wait? I need to keep my promise? We can't be together yet. She needs time for herself- I wanna marry her so badly but as much as I want us to be together forever, she needs to concentrate on herself before she can be with me.

I'd be selfish to accept this offer right now...

There's always later...

Chase: "charli... I wanna marry you so badly... but I'm keeping my promise. You're gonna get better before we get back together- or before we end this break."

I am so excited for her to get better

Charli: "c'mon chase? Let's just go down to the church right now and get married"

I shook my head

Chase: "we will talk about it when this break is over. Right now we are just friends alright?"

She signed

Charli: "we've both already had weddings right? So we don't need a big and fancy wedding? We can just elope"

I did not just hear the word elope come out of her mouth-
I might puke

Chase: "listen, when we do get married this time, it will be to the people we love. I didn't love blaire and you didn't love any of your what? 5 husbands?"
Charli: "4!"

I laughed

Chase: "alright 4 husbands. Anyways what I was trying to say is, this time things will be different, the wedding will mean something."

She nodded

Charli: "alright... Il see you- later..."

She stood up and started walking-
I grabbed her wrist

Chase: "I want you to take this"

I took the ring out of the box and put it on her finger

Chase: "it's gonna be a reminder for when you get better to start planning our wedding"

A smile grew on her face

Charli: "so what does this mean? Are we engaged?"

I smiled

Chase: "not officially? Let's just say we are post engaged?"

She ran over to be and hugged me

Charli: "well I'm glad to be your post fiancé"

She put her hands on my cheeks and looked me in my eyes

Charli: "I wish I could kiss you right now"
Chase: "I do too"

I looked down and took her hands off my face

Chase: "we can be together soon"

She nodded

Charli: "I know..."

I took her hand

Charli: "Il see you later?"

I nodded

Chase: "of course"
I smiled

I'm post engaged to the most perfect human being on this entire planet?! I can't believe it?! We will finally be together forever??
I never thought this day would come but here it is?? And finally, Nothings gonna get in our way of being happy

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