Let me go

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                    ~Chapter 184~
Let me go

Charlis POV:
He... he didn't seriously just do that?
He didn't actually just come back here to walk past me and go straight upstairs??
The audacity he has?! The audacity he has to walk into MY house and ignore me?! ON OUR ANNIVERSARY.

That's It... I can't take this anymore. I have to talk to him about this and this time I'm not letting it go. He will answer my questions, my way.

I'm done with his crap?? It's our anniversary?? And I wanted to do something special but here he is, late of course and for some reason, ignoring me?!

I've had it. I've had it with him. I'm gonna figure out what's going on.

I quickly followed him upstairs into my room

Charli: "what do you think your doing."

He looked at me

Chase: "what?"
Charli: "what do you mean what?? You can't just come here and ignore me."

He signed

Chase: "I wasn't ignoring you, I was just letting you continue what you started"

What did I start??

Chase: "charli I know you are cheating on me right now??"

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Chase: "it's fine! I don't know how many times I'm gonna get hurt-"
Charli: "you're actually joking right now?! Tell me you are joking!"

He shook his head

Charli: "I swear to fucking god! The audacity you have to even say that?!"

Cheating on him?! Right now I wish I was cheating on him.

Chase: "What do you expect me to say! Why else would he be here??"

I looked at him in the eyes

Charli: "because you're not!"

I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes

Charli: "you're never here! Do you know how alone I feel?"

I quickly wiped my eyes before he could see me cry

Charli: "do you know how horrible you make me feel..."

I saw the guilt in his eyes

Charli: "I'm all alone here Chase! I have nobody"
I sobbed

Chase: "I didn't know you-"
Charli: "no shit you did know! How are you supposed to know when you're never here??"

He looked at the ground

Charli: "I'm so tired"
I wiped my tears

Chase: "of what..."
Charli: "of you"

He wiped his eyes covering his tears

Charli: "of us..."

He shook his head

Chase: "Charli-"
Charli: "no! You don't get to speak! You had the chance to speak to me so many times! But you chose to ignore me. You chose to leave me out..."

A tear ran down his face

Charli: "I miss the old you. Remember when you used to kiss me, and hold me at night, spend time with me, talk to me... love me"
I sobbed

Charli: "you don't love me anymore do you..."
Chase: "of course I love you! Stop saying that! I love you! I do!"

He cried and I shook my head

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