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*iMessage sent*

Jayden: I have to come clean.

Jess: About what?

Jayden: No judgment?

Jess: Girl please.

Jayden: Okay, so I told you I was going to therapy.

Jess: Uh huh...

Jayden: What I didn't tell you was that as a result of therapy, Cam and I decided that we would have some fun.

Jess: Jayden...

Jayden: NOT with Micah.

Jess: Oh?

Jayden: No judgment. Please?

Jess: Fine. Keep going.

Jayden: My therapist felt that as long as we mutually agreed and had boundaries, we could do so in a healthy manner.

Jess: I don't know, Jay...

Jayden: You can't talk me out of it because we already did.

Jess: WHAT?!

Jayden: With Nuri's coach.

Jess: WHAT?!?!


Jayden: Well assistant coach.

Jess: Well not even really that either. She's like a volunteer.

Jayden's phone started ringing. It was Jess.

Jayden: Hello?

Jess: Jayden Nicole.

Jayden: Jess, hear me out.

Jess: What are you doing, sis?

Jayden: I cut off Micah. Things are going good. I've been able to clear my head and think about what I want for me, for my relationship. Honestly, I just wanna have bomb sex. No strings. Get up and go home when we're done.

Jess: And you're sure this is what you want?

Jayden: Listen...I didn't come for a talk. I just wanted to tell you about the sex.

Jess: You must forgot who you were talking to.

Jayden: Oh my God...

Jess: The coach tho...

Jayden: i told you, she's not really a coach. .

Jess: WHYYYYY do you keep picking folks that work with your kids?! Go on the internet and meet somebody. Go to the club and meet somebody.

Jayden: Okay, yes. You're right. But she is so fine, J. Got damn she's fine. And she technically came onto me first.

Jess: Ughhhh!

Jayden: I forgot my wedding rings and she didn't know that I was married and...

Jess: But she knew you had a kid on the team she was helping coach.

Jayden: I was kinda flirty. Cam said he noticed the energy too, before I even mentioned her to him.

Jess: I just don't want you to ruin what you have, babe. That's all.

Jayden: I'm not gonna ruin anything. Cam and I have talked about this for months. We've been in therapy and have been in constant discussion about it and it's gonna be fine.

Jess: Okay...

Jayden: Check your inbox.

Jess opened their iMessage thread to find screenshots of Justice's IG.

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