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Me: So this house actually just hit the market yesterday. Five offers have been put in already, but the owners are really pushing for more.

Client: How much?

Me: $275,000. Every offer has come in more than $20,000 below asking.

Client: Put the offer in for the asking price.

Me: You really like this one?

I was out in Highland Park showing a beautiful two-story four bedroom two bath home. Pool in the back. Victorian windows. Three thousand square feet. All I was thinking about was my commission. Last month was slow. I only sold three homes, I was looking to double the previous month. The market fluctuated, which was normal. The commission on this house alone, would put me at more than my goal. I'm going to do whatever I have to do to make this sale.

I had been showing him homes for nearly a month. He was really particular. He didn't feel like any home so far had been "the one," so I was surprised at his eagerness today.

Me: I can make an official offer--

Client: I want it...and...I want you.

Before I could get it out, I was pressed against the kitchen wall at my showing. My client, Garrett, was a tall slender white man with short curly ginger hair tapered at the sides. He kept a short nicely trimmed beard, freshly manicured nails, and he was always dressed in a tailored suit. He had a career in finance at a large firm in the city. He drove a Mercedes CLS. And he was fine as hell for a white boy.

Garrett always complimented my hair and dress. As a brown skinned woman with natural hair, I found out early that he was down with the swirl. He was incredibly charismatic and straight to the point. He usually kept it professional, until today...

Me: Garrett...

Garrett: Shh...

He kissed me all over. Shit. Why did clients always want to fuck me? He put his hand around my throat dragging his lips across my face. My tongue entered his mouth. He squeezed my ass through my tan pencil skirt. I gasped, grabbing his head and fully enthralled at this point. "Do you want me to...?" His tongue re-entered my mouth. "Fuck! Do you want me to put in the offer?" He kissed all over my neck, yanking my blouse off my shoulders. "Shit!" He kissed my boobs as they were now exposed. He squeezed them with his hands, tugging at my pink bra. "Put in the offer," he said in between kisses. Gotdamn!

I reached down and unbuckled his belt and then unbuttoned his pants. They dropped to his ankles. He wore maroon colored boxer briefs. His member stood at attention. "Maybe we shouldn't fuck in these people's house?" He backed away from me unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it and his undershirt to the side. "If all goes well, this will be my house and it won't even matter." He backed me against the kitchen counter hiking my skirt up and setting me on the marble countertop before ripping off my panties.

He had a deviant look in his eyes. He was impatient. He wanted my body and I wanted his. I reached over into my purse, shuffling around looking for a condom. I knew I had one in there somewhere. He unhooked my bra, sliding the straps down the floor to my arms. He took each of my breasts into his mouth, sucking them gently. His rose pink lips covered my entire areola, teasing my nipples with his tongue. I found it! I pulled the condom out of my purse ripping it open with my teeth.

He took it from my hand and pulled his briefs down revealing the most beautiful white penis I'd ever seen. I'd never fucked a white dude before, but I watch porn with white guys and I was mesmerized. His slid the condom on, kissing me ever so passionately. He was inside of me, my thighs wrapped around his waist. He fucked me so good. His lips never left my body the entire time. Jesus Christ! I thought as he was fucking me. Shit! Ohh my God!

When we were done, he leaned over panting. "Fuck!" he moaned. "I want this house. Make it happen." I fumbled through my purse looking for my phone to call the selling realtor, as he stood there putting his clothes back on. He tossed me my clothes.

Me: Hi, Megan. This is Jessica Howard. I have a client here, who is wanting to put in an offer. $275,000. I'll send the official offer within the hour. I want it under contract immediately.

Garrett opened the kitchen counters looking for something. I covered the mic on the phone "What do you need?" "Found some!" He held up a tub of Lysol wipes.

Me: Okay thank you so much. Have a great day!

I hung up the phone and hopped off the counter. I carefully slipped back into my clothes. He pulled two wipes from the container and cleaned the countertop off where had just been. He didn't say anything but the smirk on his face said it all.

Me: *clears throat* I'm feeling lucky about this one. I think it's going to be yours.

Garrett: Oh yeah?

I could tell that this house was the furthest thing from his mind.

Garrett: You do good work, Ms. Howard.

I didn't know if we were back to house speak but I replied "I like to keep my clients happy." He smiled at me and walked over to me, placing his hand on the small of my back and kissing my lips.

Garrett: I want to see you again.

Me: Okay...

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