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To Jess:

Jessica, I'm sorry. I lied to you from the day I met you and I feel disgusting. I dragged you into the hell that was my life with no consideration for you, your reputation, or Morgan. I embarrassed you. I jeopardized your safety. I violated you. And for that, I am sorry. I knew I wasn't the man you needed me to be and instead of dragging you along, I should've stepped back. I pray that you are healed and that you find real, honest love and happiness. Thank you for your love and for your grace. I didn't deserve either.

I've been addicted to sex the entire time I've known you, well before I knew you. I wish you could've seen it from the beginning so you could've gotten far away from me before I could hurt you. The only thing I can do now is ask for forgiveness. I wish you and Morgan well.

To Cam:
Man, I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I sorry I came on to you. We have been boys our whole lives and I violated you in a way that I can't ever take back. I regret the day this all began. But I made a choice and I have to live with that. I'll never forgive myself.

I've decided to admit myself into a sex addiction rehab facility. A part of the process is apologizing for all you've wronged. I don't know if I'll ever hear from you or see you again, but I can't go another day with this weight on my chest.

You are a great friend, a great brother, and a phenomenal husband and father and I hope one day I can be half the man that you are.

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