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Jayden: I think I'm bisexual.

Jayden had begun going to individual therapy after the debacle with Micah. She felt that she needed to work through some things. Today she brought Cam with her, as her doctor suggested, who felt like they had discussed some things that she wanted them to work through those issues in a healthy manner.

Dr. Robinson: So first, let me say that sexuality is a spectrum. I don't believe it is cut and dry. Based on some of the things you shared with me, I think you've realized you fall on that spectrum.

Jayden: I feel like I've suppressed some feelings for so long. I think I've always had these feelings and I just never realized "what they were" or that they were something.

Dr. Robinson: So in the grand scheme of things, when we consider your relationship, your marriage, your sexuality, I think Jayden loves you dearly. I think that you guys have a loving marriage, but that she feels attracted to other women. That doesn't mean she desires to be with a woman. She just likes them too. The biggest way we see this and how it affects your lives is everything that went on with her and Micah. I think as a married couple, you have to decide what this means to you.

Cameren: I mean...I don't know what it means because I don't know what she wants. You know that I have no issue with anything about that.

Jayden: I know...

Cameren: So you tell me what you want from me, as your husband?

Jayden: I mean...I liked the idea of inviting someone else in the bedroom.

Cameren: Okay...

Dr. Robinson: I think the most important thing here is transparency.

Cameren: So you want to try that again?

Jayden: I don't know that I'd necessarily call it trying it. I think I'm okay with meeting someone outside of our circle. And having fun.

Cameren: So, doc can that happen, like is that healthy for a marriage?

Dr. Robinson: Things are as healthy as you make them. If you're open and honest about your desires and this is something you both want, it can be a good thing. I believe in spicing up your sex life. I don't think Micah is a good person for this.

Jayden: I agree.

Dr. Robinson: I think that if this is something Jayden desires. It seems like something that consumes her, you want to face that head on and not ignore that. I just don't see you all's relationship moving past this, and what I mean is that those feelings will always be there. And I don't think being bisexual means that you can't control yourself and you'll always want sexual experiences with both. I just think what's happened here is that something she's been feeling for nearly two decades now and she didn't explore that so she kinda feels like she missed out, so to speak.

Cameren: I don't have any reservations about that. I want you to be happy and comfortable with me. You know that I am down for whatever you have in mind.

Jayden: I want to be more open. Not swingers. But...an outside person. One person. Like we talked about...a unicorn. And I'm not necessarily seeking anyone, but if we do meet someone and can mutually decide that she's the one, then yeah. I've come to terms with the fact that I wanted this all along but didn't really pay attention or try to make sense of my desires until recently. So this is the first time I'm saying this out loud. I am bisexual. I am sexually attracted to women. I am incredibly turned on by women and want to have more sexual experiences with women. And unlike the situation with Micah, I want to have those experiences with you and not behind your back. And I know you don't hate me for it, I do apologize for that and the way I violated our marriage.

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