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Me: Today, I've got to get Nuri signed up for Driver's Ed and then take Daija to the mall to Build A Bear.
Cam: Would you like to have a date night tonight?
Me: Of course I would.
Cam: How about dinner and the concert in the park?
Me: Ooh! I was checking out the artist list and there are a few people I wouldn't mind checking out.
Cam: You look so gorgeous today. Why are you glowing?
Me: Because I have the best husband in the world.

Cam walked over to me, placing his large brown hands on my waist and kissed me. I jumped into his arms placed my arms around his neck staring into his eyes.

*bzzz bzzz bzzz* *incoming call from Jess*

I leaned back trying to get a glance of who was calling, reaching back to answer.

Me: Hey boo, wassup?
Jess: Jay, they got him.
Me: Got who?
Jess: Deon! The police are here! They're searching our house. They have a warrant for his arrest. He's not here. But I called him. He's going to turn himself in.

I jumped out of Cam's arms and put the phone on speaker. "Jess, did you ever get into that phone?" She was bawling on the phone. "No! I tried again when I told you and then it was gone. I haven't seen it since."

Me: Is he still saying he's innocent?
Jess: Yes, Jay. But why would they be doing all this if he wasn't?
Me: I don't know, sis.
Jess: This is too much.
Me: Where is Morgan?
Jess: She's with her daddy. Thank God. Can you imagine if she was home for all this? They searched her room too.
Me: Jesus!

"Mrs. Jackson, I need to speak with you," I heard a voice in the background. "Okay..." she said solemnly. I heard some shuffling. "We just wanted to show you what we have. I know this is difficult for you but we're very grateful that you have been cooperative during this entire ordeal, despite how troubling this has been for you," the voice continued. A few seconds later, my phone buzzed "I'm not hanging up. Just put your phone on mute and listen."

"Here is the stack of evidence we have lined up against your husband. It includes call logs. Every meeting has been set up using his phone number. We have an email address that belongs to him, which is also connected to the escort site. We have bank records and have subpoenaed website financials for all transactions involving this illegal business. We have a witness who has had direct contact with your husband's assistant, Bryan Broner, who is willing to testify. There is also a warrant for Mr. Broner's arrest. Your husband is facing a maximum of six years in state prison for Solicitation of Prostitution by Escorting, up to twenty years for money laundering..."

"Oh my God!" I heard Jess yell. She was inconsolable. "Baby, I gotta get over there! Twenty years?! What do they have on him?!"

"The crime of Managing an illegal business faces prison time up to five years. Everything we have so far has allowed us to bring a pretty solid case against your husband." I got up immediately and started to put clothes on. "Cameren, I have to get over there. When is the last time you talked to Deon?" Cameren told me that it had been over a week and he hadn't heard any updates about the status of the case, just that he'd been speaking with a lawyer and that he would beat it. "Cameren, she's pregnant! You CANNOT say anything to him. Nothing! I mean it. You have to promise me. No matter what happens or how bad it gets, he can't know until she's ready to tell him."

I grabbed a pair of Nike Sock Darts from my closet and slipped them on as I scrambled around the room. The detective was still talking but she could barely be heard over Jess' crying. "I promise I won't say anything." He grabbed me and pulled me close. "No matter what happens, everything will be okay, baby. Even if he did this shit, that's my boy." He patted the back of my head and kissed my forehead. "I know, baby."

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