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"Shitttttttttt." My body convulsed. Justice's fingers stroked my body, after she drew them from in between my legs. "I love the way you sound when I'm in you," she moaned into my ear, then kissed my shoulder.

If you could close your eyes and imagine a walk on the beach at sunrise, the cool breeze of the waves rushing the shore line, taking a bite into your favorite pie, your heart beating to the rhythm of your favorite song...that's how it felt being loved by Cameren and Justice. I felt seen, I felt safe, I felt a peace, I felt at home.

Cam had gone on a work trip. My phone rang precisely at 8:01am. The sound of his morning voice made me quiver. The sound of my voice had awakened Justice who quietly slept with her butt pressed against my thigh.

Cam: I thought you'd be awake.
Me: CJ had an accident in the bed last night and then he struggled to go back to sleep. And when I finally got him back down, I couldn't sleep.

"And I hit you with a 'you up' text," Justice whispered. She grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Oh...you have company. You should've FaceTimed me so I could watch." Justice pulled me closer, kissing me in places she knew I couldn't resist. "I gotta get to a meeting. But don't wear yourself because when I get home--"

"BYE CAM! Love you!" I laughed pressing the end button, as he geared up to start his usual shenanigans. "Good morning, baby..." Justice and her bed head stared me in my eyes. Her bonnet lay on the pillow above her head. I didn't mean to wake you," I said kissing her lips.

And after cumming on her fingers while she strummed me like a guitar, I lay staring in her eyes. I kissed her lips, shoving my tongue in her mouth. "I love you..." I melted every time I said that.


"It was a good trip?!" I cried out in pleasure. "I fucking missed you, baby!" He fucked the shit outta me. "Fuckkkkk I love you!"

As soon as he came in the door, he had me butt naked on the kitchen counter. He had to have gotten off the plane horny. His suitcase didn't even make it out of the entryway in the garage before he was all over me.

I'd left work to come home and grab JayJ's notebook that he'd forgotten and needed for a book report presentation. What was supposed to be and in and out lunch trip home, ended up being an afternoon quickie.

"I missed you! When you gon let me quit my job and be a stay at home dad?" Cam kissed my lips, as he pulled his underwear back up. He pulled me to the edge of the kitchen counter, wrapping my legs around his mid-section. "You can be a stay at home daddy whenever you want as long as you dropping off dick like that..."

*bzzz bzzz*
*incoming text from JayJ*

JayJ: Mommmm where are you?! You said you'd be here before the end of 6th period. Please hurry! I don't wanna seem unprepared.

My baby did not play about his school work. He was a perfectionist. We went over his presentation last night before bed because he was determined to practice. I completely forgot to give him his notebook back after we finished and now here I was, about to be rushing to get to his school.

Me: Babe...I gotta go. JayJ needs this damn notebook and you up here holding me up.
Cam: Clean yourself up. Daddy will be back tonight.
Me: Mmm...I missed you too.

He helped me off the counter, kissing my lips and smacking my ass as I made my way to our bathroom to clean up and get myself in order.

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