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Me: Hi...
Garrett: Merry Christmas, mama.
Me: Merry Christmas!
Garrett: Is she sleeping?
Me: Yeah.

Garrett came over early Christmas morning so that we could all spend baby girl's first Christmas together. She was born December 10, 2018 weighing in at seven pounds four ounces and twenty inches tall. We named her Morgan Shanise Walker-Howard. She's a beautiful little caramel brown skinned baby with ginger hair like her daddy. Genetics are crazy!

Garrett was wearing the matching Christmas pajamas that we picked out. I was also wearing mine and Deon was still asleep in the bed wearing his. Yes, we were less than two weeks in, but our little family is coming along quite nicely. Garrett either comes by nightly and sometimes spends the night in the guest room to see Morgan and sometimes he and Deon hang out and watch sports together or play video games. I never suspected things would be this great. But it's nice.

Garrett gave me a hug before telling me that he wanted to run back outside to the car to bring in Morgan's Christmas gifts.

Me: Go ahead. I'm gonna go in the kitchen and whip up some breakfast for us.

I went in the kitchen and took out the container of fresh blueberries I'd purchased a couple days ago, as well as pancake mix, spicy breakfast, sausage, bacon, biscuits, and the container of eggs from the fridge.

Deon: Good morning, beautiful! Merry Christmas!
Me: Hi...Merry Christmas!

He walked up behind me kissing the side of my neck and wrapping his arms around me.

Deon: You want some help in here?
Me: If you wanna start the bacon and sausage while I mix the pancakes, that would be amazing. There's a griddle underneath the cabinet next to the oven.

He spun me around and kissed my lips. His muscles nearly burst out of his red and green pajama shirt.

Deon: Yes ma'am.

I went over to the cabinet and pulled out a mixing bowl and cracked two eggs and two cups of milk to mix the pancakes and then carefully poured blueberries into the mix. Then I took a stick of butter and sliced some to heat the skillet.

Garrett: My baby was up laying in her crib. Saying good morning, mommy!
Me: Hi baby!

I kissed her on the cheek.

Deon: Wassup, G? I didn't know you were here.

Deon held out his fist to dap Garrett up. Morgan started to whine. Garrett tried giving her pacifier and soothing her.

Deon: She's hungry, babe.
Garrett: Yeah I think she is.
Me: Okay, let me finish this set of pancakes and then I'll get her.
Deon: Hey! How about you feed baby girl and me and Garrett will finish cooking?
Garrett: Yeah! We got it!
Me: Okay fine! Don't burn down my kitchen.

Garrett handed me Morgan and I took her down to her room and sat in the rocker and pulled out my boob to feed her. She latched on hungrily and I smiled at her. She was such a gorgeous little baby. I still couldn't believe she was real.

I pulled out my phone and recorded and Instagram story of her eating. "Merry Christmas from me and my princess!" As soon as it shared, Jayden's ass was calling.

Jayden: Merry Christmas, sis!
Jess: Are you stalking my story?!
Jayden: Bitch, I said Merry Christmas! Rude ass!
Jess: Merry Christmas, baby! Wassup?
Jayden: You cooking breakfast?!
Jess: Yeah...
Jayden: We're coming over.
Jess: I thought you were cooking.
Jayden: I waited too late to go grocery shopping and the stores are closed.
Jess: Oh you ain't shit!
Jayden: I'll bring mimosas!
Jess: Fine! Why are you up so early anyway?
Jayden: Girl, these babies have been up since 6:30. We've already opened gifts and everything. You know Cameren is a big ass kid! He was up like a five year old dragging me to the Christmas tree.
Jess: Oh Lord...well come on!
Jayden: We're on our way!

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