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"Ahblaruupppp!" Jay jumped up and ran to the bathroom. "You alright?!"

"Yeah! Urughhhhh! Hangover! Blariuuppp!" She barely made it to the toilet. Vomit poured out of her mouth. Cam jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. As he was walking in, she was wiping up with a towel. "You good, babe?"

"I drank too much."

She lifted the toilet seat to pee, and sat down. She finished using the bathroom and got up to flush. She noticed blood on the toilet paper in the toilet.

Jayden: The fuck?

She went to wash her hands, then went in Cam's room to get some panties and a panty liner.

Jayden: Something's wrong.

Cameren: What you mean?

Jayden: I'm bleeding.

Cameren: Your period?

Jayden: No. I don't think so. Timing feels off.

She grabbed her phone. Her period was a week late.

Jayden: Oh fuck.

Cameren: What?

Jayden: I...think I'm pregnant. I must've missed my app notifications. I haven't really been paying attention.

Cameren: Huh?

Jayden: My aunt had a dream about fish.

Cameren: No way...

Jayden: I'm serious.

Cameren: Do I need to go get a test?

Jayden: I probably should go to the hospital.

Cameren: Why? You think something is wrong?

Jayden: I drank and smoked last night.

Cameren: Oh right, fuck...

Jayden grabbed some pants and a hoodie. Cam threw on some basketball shorts, a hoodie and some slides. He grabbed his keys and they headed downstairs. Jayden didn't say a word in the car.

Cameren: Babe...it's going to be okay.

She didn't respond. He drove to Medical City hospital emergency room. She wondered if they'd call her doctor in for this. She'd had the same gynecologist since she was sixteen. Some women in her family had a history of cervical cancer, so she was getting pap smears long before other girls her age.

They got out of the car and went inside to check in. She filled out all the paperwork. The waiting room was nearly empty. 15 minutes later, Jayden had an ultrasound probe gliding across her stomach.

"Well...we don't have to wait for the blood test results. You're definitely pregnant. And...there's more than one in there."


"There's one sac and there's the second. You're having fraternal twins. By my estimate, you're about 5 weeks or so."

"Dear God..."

"Are you sure?"

"You literally knocked me up our first time ever having sex together."

Cam smiled.

"So obviously the vomiting you had this morning was probably morning sickness. The bleeding, as long as it is light is implantation bleeding. You may also experience cramps. That's your uterus preparing for your babies."

"Okay, I have a question. But I'm afraid to ask..."

"Ask away."

"Will I get in trouble if I was engaging in um...illegal activities last night?"

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