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Me and Jay were on I-45S headed down to my parents' house for a few days. School was out for summer and Jay opted not to teach a summer class and instead work on her grant. My moms was eager to meet her. And my sister Camden too. She just had to meet the woman who had me head over heels and about to be a whole ass daddy. I knew they'd love her.

We spent the entire drive singing R&B classics at the top of our lungs. Ballads, duets, throwbacks, anything Jay could find. It was the most fun I'd had on a road trip in my whole life. I was amazed at her spirit. The girl was a ball of energy.

When we arrived, the whole family was there. It was just after dawn and Camden rushed out to the car when they saw the headlights. She immediately started yelling for Chandler and Caleb to come get our bags. She always was the bossy one. "You know I can get my own bags..." "Nonsense, we'll put the big brothers to work. We can't have the one brother who loves me enough to give me a sister doing all the heavy lifting. Now, where is she anyway?" Jayden got out of the car and Camden nearly knocked me over trying to get to her, hugging her and welcoming her into the family

Once inside, Camden drug Jayden through a tour of the house. "I'll take it from here, sis. Where mama and daddy at anyway?" "I think they're out back." I led Jayden into my childhood bedroom. Mine was the only one that my parents left in tact when I moved out, since I was the only one who didn't stay in the city.

Jayden looked around at all my room at all my track medals and and basketball jerseys hanging on the wall. "You were so cute back then," she said smiling. I pulled her close and kissed her neck. "Girl, please. I'm cute now." She pulled me back on the full sized bed on top of her. I kissed her lips, tonguing her down. "Cameren, where are you baby?" my mom called from downstairs. We jumped up out of the bed and rushed out of my room. I smacked Jayden on the ass. "I'll be back for you later."

We scurried downstairs so Jayden could meet my parents. My mom was still so beautiful. She was the epitome of "black don't crack." She had a tall slender frame and her newly silver hair glistened in the lights. "Hi mama..." I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. My dad grabbed my hand and pulled me close for a tight embrace. "Jayden, it's so nice to finally meet you. You're even more beautiful than the pictures!" They both gave her a sweet Southern hug.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughs and tons of embarrassing stories from my siblings. Jayden got to hear how Chandler had to save me from my fifth grade bully, and how I peed myself on my first roller coaster at Six Flags Over Georgia before it closed down. It made me happy to see her fitting right in with my family, so I let them fill her head up with stories all night long. We didn't go to bed until after midnight after playing Taboo and Cards for Humanity with my siblings.

The next morning, I awoke early at 8am. I put on some Nike joggers and a Lebron shirt to go for a morning run. I didn't want to wake Jayden but apparently I was making too much noise. "Good morning, baby," she said in her sweet raspy morning voice. I sat on the bed beside her and gave her a kiss.

Me: I was trying not to wake you. I'm going on a morning run.

Jayden: It's okay.

Me: Do you want to go run with me?

Jayden: Not really. I'm still kinda tired.

Me: Go back to sleep then. I'm sure mama is downstairs cooking breakfast.

Jayden: I'll see you when you get back.

Cameren: I love you...

Me: I love you more.

During my morning run, I stopped at a local florist that I always visited to purchase flowers to put on Lauryn's headstone. I had Camden go by every two weeks to give her flowers for me. The florist always made her custom seasonal arrangements.

When I got back to the house, Jayden was downstairs fixing a plate in the kitchen. I washed my hands at the kitchen sink and went to grab a plate. Mama had everything set up buffet style.

Mama: Enjoy your run, baby?

Me: Yeah, mama.

Mama: I see you got your flowers.

Me: I'm gonna go by the cemetery after breakfast, but...these are for you, Jayden.

Her eyes lit up when I handed them to her. I kissed her on the cheek as I passed by her trying to get some bacon. My mom gave her a vase to put them in. Afterwards, we sat and had breakfast together and I retreated to the bedroom to shower and put on clean clothes.

Me: I'm going to the cemetery to put flowers on Lauryn's grave.

Jayden: Can I go with you? If it's...not too personal...

Me: I'd love for you to come.

It meant a lot to me that she wanted to come with me. Lauryn still had a huge part of my heart and I don't know if that would ever change.

We pulled up at the cemetery about thirty five minutes later. As we were stepping out of the car, Jayden's phone started ringing. "It's Jess. Go ahead and let me see what she wants."


Jayden: Hey, sis wassup?

Me: I fucked up like really bad. Deon just showed up.

Jayden: Oh no...

Me: He keeps popping up unexpectedly. I guess surprises are his thing? I don't know. But Garrett was over here. We hooked up last night. So Deon shows up with breakfast. I wasn't even gon answer the door when I saw it was him, but I know he saw the cars outside so I did. I don't know what I thought was going to happen but as soon as I opened the door, he was all over me. Garrett comes around the corner in his underwear looking for me asking for water and he's like "You ordered breakfast? Good, cuz I'm starving."

Jayden: Jess...

Me: Girl, he thought Deon was UberEats.

Jayden: Bitch...

Jess: I didn't know what to say, so my dumbass just introduced them. Deon is just standing there confused. So I'm like "Garrett, this is actually my friend, Deon. He isn't a delivery driver. Can you give us a minute?" So Garrett goes back in the bedroom and I start apologizing. Deon's like "no it's cool, maybe I misunderstood what was happening here."

Jayden: I told you to cut that white boy off!

Me: I tried to explain that I didn't know that we were exclusive and that it wasn't a real thing with Garrett, who comes out fully dressed and just tells me to call him later. Deon is like ima just leave with him. I'm like no no no begging him to stay. I'm telling him I really like him and I'll cut off my hoes for him and all that.

Jayden: You didn't say that...

Me: I did. I'm sure I looked like a damn fool but I do like him, J.

Jayden: Well did it work?

Me: No. He still left but he didn't seem mad or anything.

Jayden: I knew you were gon find a way to fuck this up.

Me: When you get back in town, I need you to come up with a plan to help me fix this.

Jayden: Ima see if he called Cam. I'll call you back later.

Me: Okay.

Jayden: Alright bye.

Me: Love you!

Jayden: Love you too, skeezer!


I got out of the car and walked over to Cam, who was kneeling with his hand on a very beautiful gravestone. He had placed the flowers in the holder on the side of it. I could see the tears streaming down his face as I got closer. "I miss you, girl," I heard him say before I walked behind him placing my hands on his shoulders and gently massaged him. I guess he didn't see me coming because as soon as he felt me, he tried to wipe his tears away and play it cool. "It's okay to cry, babe. I get it." He stood up and turned around and buried his face in my shoulder. I could hear him sniffling as he tried to get a grasp on his emotions. "It's okay," I said to him again, caressing his back. "I love you. It's okay, baby."

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