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It's becoming a pattern that every time Cameren fucks up, he initiates sex and while it's a temporary mood changer, the issues are still there.

We don't talk without arguing anymore. He's not supportive like he once was. And neither am I. But I don't know how to fix it. I know that I'm tired and I'm basically doing everything all alone. Jess has been stepping in a lot, especially with Deon traveling. She's the only person keeping me sane right now, but she's got her own baby to take care of.



I sent off my last marketing report to my client and double checked my email to make sure I'd read them all. Of course, there was a message from my boss.

"Cameron, I'm forwarding you over a report that we have got to complete tomorrow. Dwayne has the flu but this needs to be delivered to the client by 5pm tomorrow. I need you to focus all your energy on getting it done. I'm not sure how far he got on it. Thanks. -Scott"


"Brandon, when you get in tomorrow, look over this report for me. Make notes and let me know what still needs to be done. Thanks. -Cam"

I logged out of my computer to head to the gym for an evening workout. I had to blow off some steam or I was going to lose my mind. I decided to hoop and was thankful I had my shoes in the am car to get a few runs in.


"14-12 let's go!"
"D up! Don't let them score!"
"Heads up!"

My team was up by two and needed one point to win. My man got the ball and did dribble crossover to the left and blew by me. I chased him down and blocked his shot from behind. "Ay man, foul come on, dawg!"
"That wasn't a foul, bro. That was all ball."

Me: Here man, take it out. Let's end this.

My teammate inbounded the ball to me. I dribbled up the court looking for the open man. The dude that was just salty about the not-foul was d'ing me up, but not nobody was open. I backed him down to the paint. "D'ing that ass up, boy." "I'm not ya boy, watch ya mouf bro!" "What's the matter? You can't take a little trash talk?" I kicked the ball back out. "Alright, give it back! Give it back!" I caught the ball back and crossed over and did a spin move and dunk on dude. My nuts all in his face. He fell to the floor. Yeah I still got it.

He jumped up immediately and got in my face. "That was a fucking foul bro." I pushed him off me. "Nigga. You lost. Getcho bitch ass off the court. Who next?!" Two guys ran over and separated us. "Yo, Ant. Just let it go, man." He pushed his friend's hand away. "Nah fuck that!" He tried to come around. "Chill bro. Let's go."

Me: Don't worry about it. I'll go. My mans clearly don't wanna hold that L. You got it!

I heard towards the locker room and he was still yelling shit from behind me. "Yeah, yeah. You lost nigga. Get over it."

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