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Me: Listen...I fucked up. Really bad.
Jayden: What happened?
Me: I don't even know if I can say it.
Jayden: J, what happened?
Me: Bro, I...
Jayden: Spit it out.
Me: I fucked Garrett.
Jayden: YOU HWHAT??
Me: Don't judge me, okay? I feel terrible enough!
Jayden: How?! When?!
Me: The other night when he and his new girlfriend came over for dinner.
Jayden: With everybody in the house?!

I put my hand over my face. I felt horrible. And honestly a little embarrassed. And I know it's Jayden. She doesn't judge me. But like...

Me: It gets worse...
Jayden: What?
Me: I told him I love him.
Jayden: Do you?!
Me: I don't know.
Jayden: Lord, Jessica...
Me: I knowwww.
Jayden: How did we get here?!
Me: He went to put Morgan to sleep but he was taking forever, so I went to check. Things got really heated really fast! Next thing you know, we were in the linen closet fucking, like FUCKING fucking. I don't know.
Jayden: Did you use a condom? You know what happened last time.
Me: No, but...
Jayden: Jessica!
Me: You didn't let me finish! I made him pull out. And then I sucked him off...and swallowed.
Jayden: You swallowed a whole nother man's...Lord...that's disrespectful.
Me: Where else was it supposed to go?!
Jayden: In the linen closet, J?!
Me: The worst part is that I don't regret it. Like I know it was wrong and I know...
Jayden: You have a whole husband.
Me: I know, I know. I'm struggling here.
Jayden: Listen...I know I'm not the spokesperson for the perfect marriage but you fucked your baby daddy. Who you only got pregnant by because you wouldn't stop fucking him while you were dating your husband. Do you realize how bad this is?!
Me: Jayden, I know...I don't know what to do.
Jayden: Well first of all, you have to take this to your grave. This isn't something that Deon is going to accept and just let you off the hook for. You do want to be married to him, right?!
Me: Of course I do! I love him!
Jayden: You cannot tell him. That guilt is gonna eat you up though.
Me: The kicker us that I don't feel guilty. I don't feel anything...except more lust.
Jayden: Lord...
Me: Morgan's daddy just does something to me.
Jayden: That's how he got to be Morgan's daddy in the first place! Are you gonna keep fucking him?!
Me: No. I don't know...
Jayden: Jess, you can't.
Me: Maybe I can convince Deon to let me have a boyfriend.
Jayden: Jessica...
Me: It worked for you!
Jayden: With a woman! Your man is straight. You are not going to be able to convince him to fuck other men.
Me: I mean he doesn't have to join...we can be open?
Jayden: You think your HUSBAND is going to allow you to be open with the man you cheated on him with AND had a baby by?!
Jayden: Jessica...you need to tell Garrett to back off. Next thing you know, y'all gonna be sneaking off every time he's around. Ask me how I fucking know.
Me: He tears this pussy uppp though. Like I'm craving the dick right now.
Jayden: Jessica, listen to me. Take the advice you told me. Don't get caught up.
Me: I don't know if I can. The ain't shit side of me really wants to keep fucking this nigga. I can manage both.
Jayden: Oh my God what am I gonna do with you?
Me: Deon travels enough. I'm honestly surprised this didn't happen sooner.
Jayden: I mean...I thought you were over him. It's been almost seven years.
Me: I thought I was too. But every now and then, that shit just creeps up and this time I couldn't escape it.
Jayden: I feel like you're lying to yourself.
Me: About what?
Jayden: About Deon.
Me: You know I love him.
Jayden: But more than Garrett?
Me: I love them both. For different reasons.
Jayden: You sound crazy.
Me: I know, but does it have to be one or the other? I mean, look at you.
Jayden: I'm not in love with anybody. This is purely sexual.
Me: So you weren't in love with Micah?
Jayden: If I was, do you think I would've been able to cut her off so easily? Look how long you've been strung up on Garrett.
Me: My pussy just tingles at the thought of him.
Jayden: Does your pussy tingle at the thought of your husband?
Me: Yeah...when Garrett's not on my mind.
Jayden: Jess...
Me: Whattt?! You know I'm fucked up in the head.
Jayden: That you are...


Garrett through me against the hood of his car, his hands up on my hips, as my skirt hiked up, me bent over. He pulled his dick out and shoved it in me from behind. I glanced through the windshield to see Morgan still knocked out in the backseat, iPad in hand. He had effortlessly been able to put her in my car without waking her. 

"You feel so good," he moaned. I looked around the nearly empty parking garage to make sure nobody was coming. He fucked me hard and fast, moaning and groaning aloud. "Damn, Garrett..." He reached between my legs and played with my clit while he fucked me. "Oh shit. Shit! Garrett..."

*5 mins later*

Garrett: We have to stop...
Me: I know...
Garrett: Liz and I are taking a break. Well like, things just slower. I don't want to hurt her.
Me: I don't want to hurt Deon either.
Garrett: Would you ever tell him?
Me: I don't know.
Garrett: I don't think he'd forgive you again.
Me: I'm not sure he would either. You guys are friends now.
Garrett: Yeah...
Me: Are you...in love with me?
Garrett: I've never stopped being in love with you.
Me: Why haven't you said anything?
Garrett: Out of respect...for you and Deon's marriage. But I've never stopped wanting you.
Me: I don't know what to do, Garrett.
Garrett: Are you...in love with...me?
Me: Yes. I...think so?
Garrett: And Deon?
Me: I love both of you for different reasons.
Garrett: You have to figure out what you want...for you. I want you to be happy. If it's me, you know what I want. If it's Deon...I'll fall back.
Me: I just need some time to think.
Garrett: I'll give you that.
Me: Okay...
Garrett: Tell my baby I'll see her this weekend and that daddy loves her?
Me: I will.
Garrett: Okay.

Garrett released his hands from around mine and lifted my chin up to where my lips would meet his and kissed them softly. He pulled away slowly and retreated to his car, whipping out of the parking lot thirty seconds later.


Me: We fucked in the parking garbage while exchanging Morgan.
Jayden: You're being reckless.
Me: 🙈😩

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