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Me: Dawg, you told her what?!
Deon: I feel like a clown.
Me: You letting your emotions take over.
Deon: I still love her, bro. I can forgive. You forgave!
Me: It's not even just the cheating. She aborted your baby behind your back. She was ready to let you rot.
Deon: No she wasn't, bro. She just got scared. But can you blame her? What would you have done?!
Me: I would've at least waited until a conviction happened. She was ready to jump ship immediately.
Deon: I'm just having a hard time letting her go, man. We were so good together.
Me: I just don't know, man. You would actually share her?
Deon: You talk about her like she's a possession. You share Jay! What's the difference?
Me: With a woman though, bro.
Deon: Come on, man. That's misogyny or patriarchy. I don't know. One of em. But that ain't cool.
Me: I know. But it's different. You were raising this dude's kid!
Deon: And that's another thing! Mo is my daughter. That's my baby. I don't give a fuck. I love being that little girl's step daddy. It makes me so fucking happy. And I know it's all fucked up. The whole situation. But it's not easy just to let go. No matter how mad or hurt I am.
Me: So if she down, you just gon do it? Like forreal?
Deon: Maybe...I want my wife. I know that much.
Me: She's not your wife anymore, remember?
Me: So you gonna remarry her too?!
Deon: I don't know, man.
Me: How you know she don't wanna marry Garrett?!
Deon: Stop it. You supposed to be helping.
Me: I'm just tryna be logical here. You gotta think about what she wants too. How you know she even wants you back? They seem happy.
Deon: Fuck you, Cam.
Me: I'm not tryna be a dick. I'm just saying. It's only been a few months. You're not healed.
Deon: She was the one for me.
Me: But were you the one for her? That's all I'm saying. Jess is my dawg. But you know she for the streets.
Deon: Don't talk about her like that.
Me: Fine. Fine! Don't say I didn't try to stop you.
Deon: Man, I'll talk to you later.
Me: Okay. I love you, bro. You know that right? I only want what's best for you.
Deon: Yeah.

Me: Would Jess be poly?
Jay: WHAT?! Where is this coming from?
Me: Would she?
Jay: I don't know! Why?!
Me: I don't know. Deon trippin'.
Jay: What did he say?!
Me: He wants to be a trio. Kinda...
Me: Compared it to us...
Jay: We're different.
Me: That's what I said.
Jay: I mean. Kinda. Not really.
Me: There's a kid involved.
Jay: Yeah.
Jay: Idk if she would or not.
Jay: That's some shit.
Me: Ain't it?!
Me: Don't be surprised if we going on triple dates soon. Deon is a simp. I know that's your girl and all. But I couldn't do it.
Jay: Yeahhhh. Ion know. That's a lot.
Jay: Neither of the nem have really healed.
Jay: Do you think people talk about us like this?!
Me: Who cares?
Jay: I kinda do. A little bit. Are we weird?
Me: We're definitely non-conventional.
Jay: Would you take me back?
Me: If you had a baby on me AND aborted my baby?! Hell nah.
Jay: So just stick to pussy and we're safe?
Me: Shit. I guess.
Jay: Shut up.
Me: She was gonna leave my boy hanging tho.
Jay: She was scared. You know Jess. She jumps head first. Without thinking.
Me: Yeah...
Jay: She'll prob do it.
Me: Do what?
Jay: Be with both of them.
Jay: If he lets her.
Me: You think they'll have threesomes?
Jay: CAM!
Me: Jess is a freak. You know she gon try to convince them.
Jay: Garrett will.
Me: Deon not doing that shit, fam.
Jay: You never know.
Me: He'll let them fuck around. But he not fucking no bitch with another nigga in the room.
Jay: That's what you say.
Jay: We'll see.
Me: Uh huh...

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