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*knock knock*

No answer.

Cam Jr. Daddy, I gotta goooo!
Me: Okay, buddy come on.

I twisted the door knob to the conjoining bathroom and helped him onto the step-stool so that he could stand up and aim into the toilet bowl.

I could hear smacking and moaning noises coming from Nuri's bedroom. I know that ain't... The bathroom door that led to her bedroom was open. I tiptoed slowly towards the doorway, afraid of what I was about to see.

And in that moment, I decided I wasn't going to traumatize myself like that. I put on my deepest, most serious father voice. "Nuri! If I'm hearing what I think I'm hearing, that little nigga better be clothed and out of my house by the time I get this boy off this toilet and back downstairs. I'm not fucking around."

Now this was the first time I'd EVER cussed at any of the kids. They may have heard me or Jay say "hell" or "damn" or something in conversation to each other. But I was angry enough for the f-bomb to slip right out.

Me: Come on, CJ. Hurry up, wash your hands and get down there with your brother and sister.

I flushed the toilet quickly and could hear shuffling in the room and a chair or something falling. "I'm sorry, Mr. Taylor! I'm leaving! I'm sorry!" I could hear him stumbling twice more nervously putting his clothes on. I knew he was gone when I heard the door slam.

Me: Nuri, clean your self up and get those sheets in the washing machine. We'll handle this when Jay gets home.
Nuri: Y-yes, sir.
Me: I'm so fucking disappointed in you!

IN THE HOUSE, THOUGH?! I slammed the bathroom door and exited back through the Daija and JayJ's bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled out as I went into the media room.

I couldn't even get my phone out my cargo shorts pockets, I was shaking so bad. "Siri, call Jayden!" I yelled at my phone. "Calling Jayden..."

Within two rings, she picked up and I could hear the echo of her car Bluetooth. "Hey babe...I'm almost home. Is everything okay?" I just sat there in silence not even knowing what to say. I couldn't even put a sentence together.

Jayden: Cam, you there?
Me: Yeah...
Jayden: You okay?
Me: My worst nightmare as a father just happened.
Jayden: What? Wait...
Me: Yeah...
Jayden: Nuri?!
Me: Jay...I...
Jayden: What happened??
Me: I told her we'd be talking to her when you got here.
Jayden: Should I talk to her alone? What happened?!
Me: I walked in on her. Kinda...
Jayden: Cam!
Me: I mean I heard her. I used my imagination and stayed where the fuck I was at and told her to get that nigga out of my damn house.
Jayden: Lord.
Me: I cussed, Jay.
Jayden: It was bad...
Me: Of course it was bad!
Jayden: Is he gone?!
Me: Yeah yeah. He damn near broke his neck trying to get down the stairs.
Jayden: Okay. Alright. I'm turning into the subdivision. Where is she?
Me: I told her to clean up and get them nasty ass sheets in the washer.
Jayden: Cam...
Me: What was I supposed to say?! I was sixteen once. The amount of times I...
Jayden: Okay stop.
Me: I just...why did we have to know she was doing it?! They were going at it, Jay! Like grown folks!
Jayden: Okay. Calm down. We have to be rational about this.
Me: I'm as calm as I'm going to get. This is why I knock first. What if I had seen my almost sixteen year old naked? Or if if, she was giving head? Oh my God! Do you think she was giving head?!
Jayden: I'm hanging up. I'm pulling into the driveway. Get yourself together. I'll talk to her.

Before I could reply, the line went dead. I sat there in silence with my face in my palm. She's fifteen! I just was not ever prepared for this. Even after the talks and the "be responsible and be safe and "Wait. But if you're seriously considering it, talk to us." It just happens. Just like that. I was a teen once and I just know he was all up in that thinking he was doing something. Was this the first time? If not, how many times? I started to feel vomit come up.

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