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Me: Life is fucking crazy right now.
Justice: I'm sorry. I wish I could make it better.
Me: I think Deon is innocent. I just don't know how. None of this makes sense.
Justice: Maybe he's just a really good liar.
Me: I don't know. But Cam is so messed up about it. That's basically his brother, you know. He's closer to him than his own blood brother.
Justice: How are you handling all this?
Me: I'm just caught in the middle of it all. Trying to be there for Jess. Trying to be there for Cam whose trying to be there for Deon. It's a lot.
Justice: What can I do?
Me: You're doing it, baby.

I laid my head on her shoulder.

Me: I just hope he's innocent..
Justice: Me too.

She caressed my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. We sat there in silence for a few. Her hand slid up and down my arm. The sound of the garage door opening could be faintly heard. Justice immediately tried to move away. I grabbed her. She looked at me confusingly, but then came back. I interlocked my fingers into hers.

The washroom door squeaked as it opened and the sound of little feet trampling through the kitchen ensued. "Kids, go take your school clothes off and wash your hands and come back down for a snack," Micah exclaimed. "Hey y'all! I didn't expect anybody to be home." The kids all ran upstairs like a herd of elephants. "Hey mom!" They all yelled in unison as they disappeared. You could hear backpacks and shoes drop above us, through the ceiling. I never understand why kids were so loud on the second floor of homes. It always sounded like a damn circus up there.

"Hey!" Justice and I both called out. Micah gave us a look that indicated that she was surprised that we were just chillin' there in front of the kids. I guess today would be the day.

The garage door opened again. This time Cam, Nuri, and Devin came through. Cam dropped his keys on the countertop and laid his suit jacket on the back of a chair. He gave us the same look as Micah did when she came in. "Hey..." he said. "Hi Mrs. Taylor," Devin called out. "Hey, ma. Hey Coach Young. Since you guys are down here. Is it okay if Devin and I go study in my room? I promise to leave the door open and keep six feet in between us." Cam chuckled to himself as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and made his way over to kiss my forehead. He gave Justice a gentle massage of the shoulder before heading down the hallway towards our bedroom. "That's fine. Door open," I replied to Nuri. "Done," she replied.

Once all the kids were gone again, I placed a kiss on Justice's cheek. "They didn't even stop. Maybe I've been overthinking this..." Micah was in the kitchen retrieving snacks and drinks from the pantry and fridge. She yelled upstairs for the kids to go out back once they'd changed clothes.

I rested my head on the back of the sofa, just staring into space. I heard all the kids running back downstairs. If I didn't know any better, I'd think they'd put a hole in the damn floor.

Me: Hey! How was school?

"Good!" The sliding door opened and closed with not a word more from any of them.

Me: Damn! It's like I'm an after thought.

Justice laughed. I watched them the through the window rush the patio table for snacks. You'd think they hadn't had a meal all day. I could hear the faint sound of them telling each other all the things that happened at school. Now why they couldn't say all that when I asked?

Cam: Good news! Deon finally got someone to hack the data records for the website. The emails. The IP address. All of that. He should have the info by tomorrow.
Me: Oh yeah? He's holding on to the innocence thing huh?
Cam: Because he is...
Me: Who do you think it is?
Cam: I don't know. But he created a burner Facebook account and requested a master computer hacker on the marketplace and it bit.
Me: What?! This sounds like some Lifetime Movie shit.
Cam: But what if it works?
Me: I hope it does.
Cam: Have you talked to Jess?

Cam plopped down on the couch next to me, sandwiching me in between he and Justice.

Me: Not since yesterday. I try to check up on her everyday. Garrett's been staying at the house.
Cam: That girl needs to talk to somebody. I can't believe this shit is going to go down like this.
Me: I know. I just have to be there for her. She'll go on her own time.

Justice checked her watch.

Me: You got somewhere to be?
Justice: Nah...damn I can't see what time it is?
Me: I was just making sure. Don't get defensive.
Justice: Girl, hush.

Cam set his water on the table and grabbed the remote control. "Whew! It's been a day!" He flicked through some channels before landing on ESPN, as he usually did. I don't know why he always pretended to be interested in everything else.

*bzzz bzzz bzzz* *iMessage from Justice*

Justice: 🥱
Me: ❓
Justice: 👩🏽👩🏾‍🦱👨🏽‍🦱
Me: 🐱🐱🍆

I slid my hand in between each of their thighs and almost instantly Justice's tongue was in my mouth

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I slid my hand in between each of their thighs and almost instantly Justice's tongue was in my mouth.

I heard the sound of the squeaky pantry door. My head popped over the back of the couch. The pantry door clicked. "Sorry!" Nuri's face said "😬." Devin stood next to her holding the box of fruit snacks frozen still. I hadn't even heard them come in. "Don't mind us...we're just hungry. Carry on." They hurried out of the kitchen without muttering another word.

Cam: Ima have to get some WD40 for that damn door.

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