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Jess: Hey what are you doing?
Me: Hanging out with Justice. Wassup?
Jess: Pull up to the House of Blues. I have two extra tickets to the comedy show. Some friends bailed.
Me: First of all, when did I become the backup friend?
Jess: It's not even like that. I didn't purchase the tickets!
Me: What time?
Jess: 7!
Me: Ma'am, that's in like...35 minutes!
Jess: Come onnnnn!
Me: Fine! I'll see if she wants to come.
Jess: Love youuuu! See you soon!

Not MY best friend texting me at the last minute to come use some tickets I should've been first in line for. She got her fucking nerve. I looked up at Justice, who had her hand around my waist rested on my thigh.

Me: Babe...do you wanna go to this comedy show with Jess? It literally starts in like thirty minutes. She just texted me saying she has extra tickets.
Justice: Who is it?
Me: I don't have a clue.
Justice: I'm tryna think of who's in town tonight. Anyway...it don't matter. You asking me on a date? What's your man gonna think?
Me: Shut up! I do need to call him though and let him know I'll be home later than planned.
Justice: Alright, well while you do that, ima go change.

Justice was wearing some basketball shorts and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. I pulled out my phone. "Siri, call Cameren."

"Calling Cameren" The phone started ringing and he answered within a few rings.

Cameren: Hey...
Me: Hey baby, what are you guys doing?
Cameren: I just ordered a couple pizzas and the kids are showering up for dinner. Wassup?
Me: Ima be home later than planned. Jess wants me to go to this comedy show with her. She has extra tickets or something.
Cameren: That's cool. You still with Justice?
Me: Yeah...she's gonna go with me.
Cameren: Alright. I'll see you when you get home.
Me: Be naked.
Cameren: Don't tempt me with a good time.
Me: I love you.
Cameren: I love you too. Oh! The doorbell just rang. Pizza's here! Have fun.
Me: Bye, baby.

This last few months had been like a dream. Cameren and I have been open and honest about everything with Justice and my feelings, and I was in heaven. Truly. I never imagined a partnership this strong with two people that I loved. Most of the time when you hear about polyamorous relationships, you hear about a man with two women and it's on some misogynistic shot trying to separate themselves from polygamy when that's actually what they want. I'm sure that is just the negative stereotype of poly relationships because what we have is so amazing and I cannot imagine having it any other way, at this point.

I hang out with Justice a few nights a week. Sometimes she comes to the house after the kids are asleep and we hang out together with Cam, and by ourselves other times. Even though the kids know, I'm still a bit nervous about them seeing her around frequently and I'm not ready to answer questions they might have. Cam and I have talked about eventually making it open for them. I just don't know when.

Justice: Babe, come here!

Justice called me from her bedroom. I leapt off the couch and went in there. She'd put on ripped skinny jeans, some red and navy Jordan 1s and a throwback Houston Comets Sheryl Swoopes jersey. "Yo! How do you even have that? That is fire!" I exclaimed to her, admiring it. "Oh this old thing..." she joked. She walked over to her dresser and picked up her Gucci crossbody bag. "I had this custom made a few years ago. It's fly huh?"

She continued on putting her wallet in her crossbody. "You are such a girl. Is that with your lil purse." She whipped around at me. "It's not a purse. It's a satchel." We laughed together at that cheesy line from the movie,"The Hangover." She put in a small bottle of Bath & Body Works lotion, hand sanitizer, and lip balm, and then zipped it up.

I was still wearing my work clothes, a navy spaghetti strap polyester jumpsuit and a pair of sandals, which I had switched into from a pair of sandal heels. "You ready?" She said while fixing her ponytail in the mirror and puckering her lips.

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