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Me: Mom will be here in the morning to get you, D. So make sure you have your stuff ready.
Daija: Okay! Can I go now?! Devin's waiting for you anyway.
Me: Bye girl. Love you sissy.

I set Daija's backpack inside the door and rushed out as she stepped off the porch. "Nuri!" Daija called. "Wait!" She ran off the porch and gave me a hug. "I love you too!" I hugged her back. "Have fun, baby. See you tomorrow."

Ms had asked me to drop Daija off at her friend Izzy's house for a sleepover. The entire time we drove over, she talked about how they were gonna paint nails and give each other facials and do makeup and stay up all night watching "The Cheetah Girls" trilogy. It was our favorite movie to watch together but Izzy had never seen it.

I pulled my phone out and sent a text.
Me: Hey ma! Just dropped off Dai at Izzy's house.
Ma: Thanks, babe! Have fun at the party and don't be late for curfew.
Ma: And don't do anything I wouldn't do. Be smart and be safe!
Me: Yea ma'am!
Ma: Don't call me ma'am! I'm not old!
Me: 😜

I walked back to the car where Devin awaited my return. As soon as I got in, he leaned over and kissed my lips before peeling off down the street. "Hey we're on our way!" Devin spoke into the talk to text on his CarPlay. We were meeting his college aged brother to get a case of beer and a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka for a party at a friend from school's house.

Neither of us ever drunk at these things, but Devin insisted that bringing alcohol made him look cool. I thought the shit was dumb but he liked to impress all the niggas from the basketball and football team. He was the only Black kid at our school who had access to alcohol. The white kids always got alcohol and drugs from their parents and older siblings.

Devin: You heard about Cece getting caught in the theater room with Jamal?
Me: They say niggas gossip the most and y'all really do.
Devin: I'm just telling you what's going around school.
Me: Yeah...Andre was PISSED. Apparently, somebody came and told him during spring practice and he tried to fight Jamal.
Devin: I heard about that!
Me: These niggas are crazy. I don't even know why she thought she was gon get away with that. It's cameras everywhere. Even if she didn't get caught by another student, I'd be too scared to get caught by a teacher or something.
Devin: I heard her and Jamal have been real flirty since they both got the lead parts for that play.
Me: I wanna go to that!
Devin: You are such a nerd!
Me: What?! I like the arts.
Devin: I'll get us tickets.
Me: Thank you, baby.

The party started at 8pm. We didn't arrive until 9. Jay's rule was home before midnight. Not at midnight. Before. But we had plenty of time to hang with friends, dance, and whatever else.

We pulled up at the house and saw all of the cars parked down the block. Devin's teammate, Scottie, was hosting it at his parent's cabin. It was on a secluded street in a culdesac, and the only house on the block. We could hear the bass bumping through the windows of the house.

Groups of two and three people walked in with us. Some holding cases of beer, others carrying bottles of liquor. Jay and Cam would kill me if they knew there was underage drinking and no adult supervision. But Scottie was the star basketball player, a rich kid from the suburbs who opted to attend the public school known for consistently winning state championships. Unlike all the other rich kids who went to private school.

Devin: That skirt was a good choice. Your ass looks so fucking good.
Me: Thank you, baby. I'll tell you like I always do. Don't let anybody pressure you into doing some shit you know you don't need to be doing. We can have a good time without doing things that has potential to get us in trouble.
Devin: Yes, mom!
Me: I'm serious!
Devin: Why you always do this?! You know I'm not that dude. My brother let me try alcohol and the shit is nasty. I'm good.
Me: I knowww but I know how peer pressure can be!
Devin: Babe...we good. Come on.

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