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Garrett: I know I said I wanted things to just stay the way they were. But the more I've dated other people, the more I've realized I wanna be with you. A year ago, I deleted my dating profiles. I haven't been on a date with anyone else in months. When I'm here with you and Mo, I'm at my happiest. I think for the longest I was just okay with sharing you with Deon. It was cool. It was comfortable but I want more with you. I want our little family...

Garrett held me close, his body pressed against mine. I could feel his breath on my neck. His heart thumped through his chest. "I love you s--"

The door to my bedroom burst open. "Mommyyyyy, will you marry daddy?!" Garrett let me go. "Mooo! Not yettt!" She giggled! "You said at 9:05 exactly! It's 9:06 daddy! I was looking at my watch! See!" She jumped in his arms.

I stood there damn near in tears, not knowing whether to laugh or cry tears of joy. "Well...somebody got excited." Garrett walked Mo over to me. She extended her arm out to me and opened her clenched fist revealing a gold emerald cut diamond ring. "Me and Morgan want to know if we can officially be a family--" Morgan interrupted again. "Yeah. Because daddy's always here anyway and I just think you guys should just get married and daddy can live here forever and then I can have a baby sister."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down there!" Garrett took the ring from her hand and set her down. "Now if you want me to get on my knees and beg, I will. But--"

Me: Don't you dare get on your knees!
Garrett: Well give me an answer!
Me: Yes baby...I will marry you. BUT! I don't want a wedding! I just wanna do it! I don't wanna make it a big deal.
Garrett: I don't even care. You said yes! That's all that matters to me! We both said we didn't want any of that!
Morgan: But what about me?! I've always dreamt of being a flower girl!
Garrett: I'm sure we can still make that happen.

Considering everything I'd been through with Deon and how Garrett had been there for the last eight years, the love I had for him, there's no way I could say no. When things got really bad I considered that he should've been the guy I chose from the very beginning.

Morgan: Having two houses and two rooms is cool, but having us all in one house will be way cooler!

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