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Garrett tossed his keys on the countertop. "Hey baby, how about you go upstairs and practice reading one of your books. Daddy will be up there in a sec to help you."

Morgan: Okay daddy!

As soon as she was out of sight, he high lifted me onto the counter, the same way he had done during our very first encounter. I began to unbutton his shirt in a moment of passion. Stress made me horny and sex was the best relief. My tongue entered his mouth as he kissed and groped me in return.

*bzzz bzzz bzzz* "FUCK!"

*incoming call from James Banks and Associates*

"Hello?!" I answered frazzled. "Hi Mrs. Taylor, this is Kourtney with Mr. Banks' office. We just got a call from your husband's lawyer's office. They've requested you and Mr. Banks meet them at their office." I pushed Garrett off of me as he was still kissing my neck. "When?" I pulled my blouse back over my shoulders. "Well...now. They're saying it's urgent and it cannot wait. Mr. Banks has already headed that way." Shit. "Okay. I'm on my way." I pressed the end button. "I gotta go!" I went in my room to change out of my work clothes and into some jeans and a t-shirt. "Is everything okay?" Garrett followed me into the bedroom. "I don't know. That was my lawyer's office. Deon's lawyers wants us to meet them. It's urgent."

Garrett came in unbuttoning his shirt and grabbed some soccer shorts and a t-shirt from my drawer. "What did they say it was about?" I sat at the edge of the bed and laced up my white converse. "I don't know. I gotta go."

Garrett pointed to the bulge in his pants. "I will take care of that when I get back," I said with a smirk. I kissed his lips before rushing back to the kitchen, grabbing my keys, phone, and the signed divorce papers from the kitchen table and rushed out the front door.


When I entered the office, Mr. Banks was sitting on the right side of the conference table. Mr. Avery and Deon were seated on the left side of the table. Cam sat in a chair that was away from the table against the glass windows that peered into the hallway of the law office.

I grabbed a seat next to my lawyer and set the papers on the table in front of me. My lawyer slid a small stack of maybe three to four sheets of paper in front of me, exchanging them for the divorce papers that I had brought in. He leaned over and whispered into my ear. "I think they're gonna try to kill two birds with one stone. So be prepared." I looked at him confusingly.

"Ahem!" Mr. Avery loudly cleared his throat. Mr. Banks flipped through the documents he had just taken from me, before handing them to Mr. Avery.

Mr. Avery, an older Black man in fifties, if I had to guess, flipped through the papers barely looking before sliding them to the side in front of Deon. "We called an emergency meeting of sorts. I hope everyone is doing well today. Mrs. Jackson, you have a set of evidence in front of you that we have acquired to clear Mr. Jackson's name. We have found sufficient evidence that he is not guilty of any of the crimes that he is accused of. We've already drawn up a motion for an emergency hearing to dismiss all charges."

Out of nowhere, Deon slammed the table. Mr. Avery jumped. "Is everything alright, Mr. Jackson?" He spoke very proper. Deon flicked a sheet of paper at his lawyer. Mr. Avery halted his statement to read what he had just been given. "Oh..." He slid it across the table to me. "I don't think you meant to include that." Confusingly, both Mr. Banks and I, reached for the paper at the same time, him grabbing it before I could. He glanced at it and then handed it to me. "Is this yours?" I looked at it and my eyes got big.

"Instructions for Abortion after care* It must've gotten mixed in with the papers on the table and I grabbed it by accident. FUCK!

Mr. Avery continued as I looked up at Deon across the table with tears streaming down my face. His face was just as wet as mine. "As I was saying..." I'm not even sure he knew what was going on in that moment. "In front of you is data that we acquired from a private agency. It includes the IP address and address for which the escort website was created, the phone number associated with the account and the name of the person the account is registered to." I skimmed each page. "Have you already looked at this?" I whispered to Mr. Banks. "Yes. I have."

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