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My mind flashed to us kissing. I tried to get the thought out of my mind by turning on some music. "Traveling" by Luke James and Big K.R.I.T. came on my Apple Music shuffle. I sung along trying to shake the thoughts. But they wouldn't go away. Maybe Jess was right. Or maybe I was losing my damn mind. I clicked the contact button on my car touchscreen and called Cam.

Me: Hey babe!
Cam: Hey! What's the news?
Me: Jess is having a girl!
Cam: Oh wow! She was so convinced that it was a boy!
Me: Right! We just left brunch. I'm headed back to campus now.
Cam: I'm about to head back to work for lunch myself.
Me: What are we having for dinner tonight?
Cam: Damn, are you hungry?
Me: Uhh, hello! I'm eating for three! I'm almost hungry.
Cam: Sheesh! You just got done eating and already thinking about dinner. What do you want though?
Me: I don't know!
Cam: You women don't ever know.
Me: Pick something!
Cam: You want me to cook or grab something on the way home?
Me: You should cook!
Cam: Cajun Alfredo?
Me: Mmmm that sounds amazing!
Cam: Chicken, steak, and shrimp?
Me: I'll pick out the shrimp. You know these babies be doing backflips when I eat seafood.
Cam: I'll stop and get the groceries on the way home.
Me: Okay!
Cam: Alright I'm bout to walk back in the office, so I'll text you.
Me: Okay, bye!
Cam: Love you, boo boo!
Me: Love you too babe!

She pushes me against the wall and there's no one in the room except us. Her body smells like sweet, zesty roses. When her lips meet mine, I get weak in the knees. She never takes her eyes off me as she undressed herself in front of me. She performs a sensual, slow striptease and her body is curvy like a winding road. I bite my bottom lip as her lips explore my neck. She drags her lips down my shoulder blades leaving me moist and craving for her.

Sherri: Jayden! JAYDEN!

I snap out of it. I'm sitting at my desk in my office staring an unfinished email.

Sherri: Girl, you alright?
Me: Yeah, I must've been daydreaming.
Sherri: Okay, well. I have to leave. My sister needs me to pick up my niece from school. She's running a fever and she can't get to her because she's at a training across town.
Me: Okay! That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow!
Sherri: Alright!

I rubbed my temples as she closed the door to my office. "Lord...what is going on with me?!" I pulled up Danielle's Instagram again and scrolled through her pictures. I was filled with lust and I didn't know what to do with it.

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