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Jayden: I'm not feeling too good, baby.

Cameren: What's wrong?

Jayden: Nausea...oh, God.

Jayden sat up in the bed, hunched over.

Cameren: You know what's wrong, right?

Jayden: What?

Cameren: You're pregnant.

Jayden: Breastfeeding is supposed to help with birth control.

Cameren: Don't you have an extra test in the cabinet?

Jayden: Yeah...

Cameren: Take it.

Jayden: I'm not pregnant.

Cameren: Babe...take the test.

Jayden got up and went into the bathroom to retrieve the test out of her medicine cabinet. Her period had not come back yet, since she had been breastfeeding the twins. She had no real way of tracking her fertile window, but they'd had sex at least twice a week since their wedding. She went to the toilet, took the cap off of the stick, and sat down and started peeing. She finished up and sat the stick on the counter while she washed her hands and brushed her teeth. Cameren walked into the bathroom, holding Jayson.

Cam: Have you taken it yet?

Jay: Yes, but I haven't looked.

Cam: Mommy's gonna give you a little brother, man.

Jayson smiled and cooed at his daddy. Jayden picked up the test and looked at it.

Cam: So...

Jayden: I'm not...not having another baby.

Cam: Wait...

Jayden: Issa baby, baby!

Cam: I told you!

He walked over to her and gave her a kiss. She smiled at him.

Cam: Three for three in this thang!

Jayden: I'm gonna have to shut the factory down after this. How are we going to be trying to adopt and having another baby at the same time?

Cam: Ima put as many babies as I can in you.

Jayden gave him a side eye.

Cam: I love you...

Jayden: I love you more!

Jayden kissed Jayson on the forehead.

Jayden: JayJ still asleep?

Cam: Yeah I heard Jayson moving around in his crib, so I grabbed him before he woke her up.

Just as he said that, they heard a whine on the monitor.

Cam: Welp! Spoke too soon! Here take him & go ahead and start feeding him while I change her diaper.

Jayden took Jayson back to their bed and got ready to feed him. She got her Haakaa milk catcher and suctioned it on her right boob, as she positioned him on the left to begin eating. He immediately latched on, staring her in her eyes. He had a slight smirk. She stroked his head.

Cameren walked back in the bedroom, holding baby Jay.

Cam: Daddy's girl is awake and she's sucking on those cute little fingers. Say mommy, take that thing off and give me some titty. I'm hungry.

He brought JayJ over to her mommy and helped her adjust both babies on the boob.

Jayden: Can you take this milk and put it in a bottle in the fridge?

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