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Jayden and Cameren headed inside the restaurant. At the front door stood, Deon. "What's up, my brother?" Cameren and Deon shook hands. "I thought it was just us?" The hostess greeted them and asked how many were in the party. "Four," Cam responded enthusiastically. Deon looked at him confusingly. "Oh no..." Jess walked in wearing a beautiful black dress and black heels. Deon caught sight of her and it was obvious that he was trying to contain his reaction. "Damn..." he mumbled to Cam.

The hostess instructed everyone to follow her to their table. Cam told Deon to hear Jess out, so they hung back and went outside to talk.


Me: First, let me say I'm sorry. I was trying to have my cake and eat it too and instead of clarifying what our situation was, I used it as a cop out, but I really do like you and I like the direction we were headed in.

Deon: You really had them plan all this out?

Me: Yes! Because I want to be with you, Deon.

It had been a month since Deon pulled up on me and Garrett. I had been trying to talking to Deon and he was ignoring me. I wondered if he'd blocked my number so I had to solicit the help of his best friend to get him to meet up with him. I won't lie, I continued fucking Garrett for a few more weeks before completely cutting him off. That white boy had a way with my body and I was addicted.

Me: So you gon give me another chance or nah?

Deon: You know, I'm kinda at fault too. I just should've been a man and told you my intentions. I just assumed and that's on me. My pops used to say "you make an ass outta yourself when you assume." He was right and I get that saying now.

Me: You know, I'm not usually on this side of the begging and pleading.

He pulled me close and just before kissing me, he whispered "I'm glad you did though." His tongue entered my mouth and we made out for a minute before pulling back and said "I really like you, Jessica." I smiled at him. "I like you too." As he stood there holding me, he looked at me with anticipatory eyes.

Deon: So...
Me: What?
Deon: I don't really know how to ask.
Me: You've never asked a woman to be your girlfriend before?
Deon: I just assume after a certain amount of dates, conversations, sex, that we're like officially a couple. I didn't know niggas still asked.
Me: Well, I'll ask you then since you a lil weeny. Would you like to be my boyfriend, Deon? It's fine if you don't, my lil white boy, Garrett would love to have me.
Deon: Don't play with me.
Me: Well you better hurry up and say yes then!
Deon: Yes, Jessica. I will be your boyfriend.

I stood on my tiptoes, kissing his lips again. He interlocked his hand in mine and lead me back inside. The hostess pointed us in the direction of our table. When Cam saw us holding hands, he started cheering. Jayden embarrassingly put her hand over his mouth. "Shut up before you have these white folks complaining and get us kicked out!" That's what I'm talking about boy!" He stood up and dapped Deon up. "We make a good team, Jay," he said before giving her on the cheek and sitting back down.

Cam: You know, I tried getting this nigga to call you everyday for three weeks straight? I was running out of hope.

Me: He couldn't resist me.

Deon: Yeah, okay. You just lucky you fine.

Me: Nah, you lucky I'm fine.

After dinner, he took me home and broke my fucking back. Having just had my final rendezvous with Garrett the night before, I'd decided that I was so wrong for thinking Garrett was better. Maybe I was just addicted to the consistency of him being at my beck and call. But it was something about that chocolate.

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