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Jayden: So check this out. This is Micah. I've spoken to her a few times. She loooves kids. She came over here and met them and they love her. She's fun! She's knowledgeable. She wants to work with kids for a living. She's college educated. I ran a background check. She's fully clean.

Cam went over her entire profile on findananny.com. Jayden switched over to Facebook and showed him her Facebook profile.

Cam: And she's fine as hell! I say we hire her.

Jayden: I hate you.

Cam: I'm just sayin' babe...sheesh! That's all you had to say.

Jayden: Are you done?!

Cam: Let me see that again.

Jayden: She's coming over tomorrow to chat.

Cam: Just do it!

She raised her arm to pretend slap him and he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his lap. "I'm sorry for all these hours. I hate it too. I hope all this shit will be done soon." He kissed her lips. "I hear you baby. I'm listening." She kissed him back. He massaged her neck and back. "When it's all over, I promise I'll make it all up to you."

Jayden was so overwhelmed with the recent changes in Cameren's job, but they had made some growth in counseling. It was grant time at the university, which meant she was spending a ton of extra hours in the evenings in their home office, grant writing. A nanny was exactly what she needed so that she wouldn't lose her mind.


The first couple weeks with Micah helping out had been great. It allowed Jayden to work later some evenings to review grants. It allowed some relief in the evenings and even some of the laundry and other household duties to be done.

The kids loved Micah. When she picked them up from school, she'd take them to the park. With Jayden or Cameren's approval, she'd let them have ice cream or froyo before dinner sometimes. She was great with them. Much of Jayden's load was lifted and stress off of her plate.

*several months later*

Jayden: Babe!

Cameren: Yeah?

Cameren was in the bathroom brushing his teeth as a Jayden called to him from the bedroom.

Jayden: Remember I need you to get the kids from school tomorrow. Micah has a doctor's appointment and I have department wide meeting for our social issues grant.

Cameren: Why are you just now telling me? I don't know if I can get them.

Jayden: Cam, I told you two weeks ago and I reminded you Monday. Are you serious right now?

Cameren: Ahhhhh fuck!

Jayden: Where is your head even at?!

Cameren: Don't start, J. I have a lot on my plate right now.

Jayden: You know...I thought we were making progress but it's looking like Mr. Unreliable is your new persona.

Cameren: That's bullshit and you know it!

Jayden: You haven't had to pick up or drop off the kids for an entire six weeks and the one time I ask, it's an issue. I'm sick of it and I'm sick of you.

Cameren: This is turning into the attack Cam show again.

Jayden: I mean...what are you doing?! You're never home and then when you are home, the kids are sleep, you don't pay me any attention, and I'm sick of it! It didn't used to be like this! When's the last time you've touched me? Taken me on a date?

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